15 thoughts on “Phil at work today, trying to fix the anvil.

  1. Careful.
    Any guy with a hammer in his hands is suspicious these days.

  2. I’ve always admired Phil’s work ethic, and cheerful good attitude. Snappy dresser too. The rest of you louts could learn a lot from our esteemed blog meister…


    There it is again!!! I keep getting that rotten smell going on at my blog too… can’t imagine what’s causing it…

    • What’s causing it is those $90.00 an hour whores you allow to post there. Oh, and the flat earthers.

      • How much, $90.00?!! You getting ripped off, especially as a mountain man onjy takes five minutes, including getting your boots off.
        Does she give you a pro-rata adjustment to the fee afterwards, or do you just look for the first 55 minutes, stretch it out? Don’tcha gets bored, Deathray?
        I hope she buys you a beer outa that $90.00!

        • You dingas.
          They post on his blog.
          He’s in Canada about 1400 miles south of me or more. I wouldn’t know one of them if they fell off the mountain and landed on my road.
          But you keep on fantasizing about my life here, Johno. I know it’s exciting day dreaming.

    • If they had to show us their tits before posting you wouldn’t have that problem, you do have a tit filter don’t you?

  3. I not gonna mess with the feller in the pic, even tho he is a bit gotch-eyed. He’s not wearing a belt but “something” is holding his britches up…

    • I thought my Dad and brothers were the only ones who used the word gotch-eyed. Jack Elam was the best.

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