10 thoughts on “Pearl Harbor, Dec 7th, Never Forget. Our government lied and colluded.

  1. Yeah, a “day that will live in infamy”, but not quite in the way the four-term socialist meant. Another false flag, just what we expect (now) from fedgov.

  2. history/people say we likely pushed Japan into the conflict (though I’m not quite certain just how hard we had to shove), but it certainly looks very much like we’re repeating this with Russia almost a century later.

  3. you know it all started with FDR banning oil and steel to them right ?
    in the old days you had to do a blockade of a country and that was called a act of war against said country. in the past 100 years or so, we just stop everyone else
    from selling them stuff. really it is almost the same thing. a act of war.

    • FDR banned oil, steel and food after the invasion of Manchuria, which was in response to the western nations shutting Japan out of any access to resources and to the Washington Naval Treaties that basically said Japan was a third-tier nation, which did not go well with their national identity.

      The ban accelerated the invasion of China as more resources were needed to cover what was banned.

      National ping-pong, back and forth.

      So what’s the Dem’s favorite tool, besides cruise missiles, to use against hostile nations? Sanctions and bans… They never f’in learn.

      • Some of the steel banned was our scrap metal which they were using to build armaments.

    • it does make a person wonder. like why didn’t the Japs bomb the oil tanks and fuel storage area ? or why didn’t one bomb fall on the dry docks ?
      and here the big problem, why where all three aircraft carriers out to sea that close to Christmas ? most of the time, big ships are in port
      around that time so people can be with loved ones. one or two of them out at sea, but all three ? not something that happens in peace time.

      • Kimmel’s action of moving the fleet to sea when war is imminent is SOP. It was countermanded by Washington. The orders were cut through JCS. Stark, I think was his name. Halsey figured out an end run around the orders, but Stark ordered Halsey to not bother watching for Japanese. He was ordered to use his ships to escort planes to Midway. Wake, too.

        Scum that they are, top officials blamed it all on Kimmel and Short. Hardly surprising. Hive of scum and villainy, what, what?

        Thing is, it’s pretty much only Americans who were taught Washington’s version. Most everyone else is taught if not the real story, at least the more probable one, given the actors.

  4. As to why the Japs went far the Battle wagons lies in their adherence to Mahan’s book at the end of the 19th century that outlined the decisive naval battle is fought with ships of the line slugging it out. The japs thought that taking out our battle wagons gave them an unfair advantage (as reported by the US press) but the Battle of Midway put paid to that concept. Halsey knew that the aircraft carrier was king of the battle sea. Today it is not.

    One central big ass target is easy to take out. We should be building and launching fast attack destroyers and cruisers with lots of missiles and a few 5 and 8 inch guns and phalanx systems. See the “Last Battle of the Tincan Sailors” for how many small and fast can thwart big and only.


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