28 thoughts on “Pay Attention Out There

    • Well Greggo, in that woke pedo corrupt thing we use to call the US justice system, legally you are probably correct. However, whatever you may think about the woman, there’s an admirable quality to her “do dumb shit in this country & you pay the consequences” motto.

  1. She is not wrong. He blew thru a 4-way. The punch may have been a little overboard but this is Bama and jackwad was from Colorado so it all evens out.

  2. Ya’ll do realize that the “interviewer” is using a yard light as a microphone, right?
    …to say nothing of the chuckle at the end….

  3. I’m totally down with her, I just wish she hadn’t said it. She’s in a world of trouble.
    If she just bruised his Snot Locker, it’s assault. If she broke it, and noting her energy, I’m guessing she did, IDK what that will do.

    • Not just from the interwebs but anything with a title like “southerner being interviewed …” is almost 100% guaranteed to be comedy bit. And it was.

  4. The 2nd person I have ever heard use SNOT-LOCKER.
    The other were a waitress at a small restaurant, across the street from the HB Pier in 1964

    • I’ve heard it a number of times, always used by Yankees. As is likely the case here.

  5. I must be getting old because most of the comments are eluding to this being real! Oy.

  6. If that is the report to accompany the insurance claim then she’s screwed (and not in a good way).

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