This was sent in by PS, one of my better meme and news junkie, thank you!

10 Inefficiencies In Government Computer Systems Identified By DOGE Workers

Feb 6, 2025 ·

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The Trump administration’s Department of Government Efficiency has been on the warpath against federal waste and turning over every seedy rock to shed light on inefficiencies in our nation’s agencies and institutions. Government computer systems are no exception.

The Babylon Bee has obtained the following list of glaring inefficiencies found in government computer systems:

  1. All machines were still running Windows 3.1: C’mon, government… at least upgrade to Windows 95.
  2. The internal IRS chat platform was two cans tied together with a string: The Biden administration had already requisitioned 174,000 more cans for its 87,000 new agents at a cost of $20 billion.
  3. The FBI couldn’t make phone calls while the CIA was using the dial-up line: You wouldn’t believe how many times a CIA agent got kicked off the internet because some dumb FBI agent picked up the phone.
  4. The Social Security numbers for every American were being stored in one big MS Word doc: To keep it secure, they disguised them by using the Wingdings font.
  5. Government internet access was provided by AOL: Welcome!
  6. The nuclear launch codes were stored in a Texas Instruments graphing calculator: Thankfully, nobody ever knows how to work those things.
  7. The FBI Most Wanted database was just pictures of Catholic moms and a Magic 8 Ball: The bureau was only targeting the worst of the worst.
  8. Woke government programmers kept trying to make the computer language non-binary: This caused the entire government computer mainframe to identify as inoperable.
  9. Every single computer in the entire government was plugged into one giant power strip: This accounts for the constant strain on the U.S. power grid.
  10. All agency computer passwords were “password”: Fortunately, DOGE changed all passwords to “password1” to preserve national security.

Fixing the inefficiencies listed above should make the federal government run like a well-oiled machine in no time.

This Times Two Hundred Million (With A Bonus Cherry On Top)

Yeah, this lady pretty much nails how all of us feel, so does the lady in the next video.

And here is your promised Double Plus Good Cherry On Top.

While some people will say that this Tit For Tat because Brib’em yanked Trumps in between runs, this is absolutely in the best interests of National Security.

Everyone now knows without a shadow of a doubt that Joe Biden can’t find his way across the room anymore, it’s the circle of sycophants around him who have just been cut off.

Including that nasty bitch wife of his.

EDIT: Cederq, No flame wars on this blog. If I ban anyone, it won’t be Sedition, he is a hard headed patriot, been far longer commentator then the rest. He keeps to blog etiquette.

Actually, We Are Just Getting Started

Since you are about 0 .02% of the population, we are going to stuff all you fucking freaks right back into the closet where you belong and slam the door shut.

We are going to get you out of our faces everywhere.

Like I said a hundred times, the pendulum always swings both ways and this last several years have seen it swing almost vertical to the left and now for every action, there is going to be an equal reaction, society is about to turn very hard right so best get used to it.