Over at Tactical Hermits place.


The question/statement asked was what if they bring AR 15s to the party. Simple, we bring ours and everything will be a two way range. Sure they may be armed and eager, but that doesn’t equate to experience and training, training most of us got in Uncle Sam’s misguided baby sitting services.

19 thoughts on “Over at Tactical Hermits place.

    • What I observed watching that video and others similar to it. Sure they have some organization but not any discipline or commo smarts or discipline. People running around chasing on foot a vehicle? Why? I bet very few ever had to shoot when someone was shooting back. Whole different animal. In that I have experience, Bosnia and Kosovo. I wasn’t infantry, an MP that was investigating an illegal shooting and was cut off and attached to an infantry unit as my ass was on the line. What I found interesting, no cops or cop cars around. Not even notational guard…

    • well, most of it has to be blackboard training. granted they go over shit like this 5 or more times until most “know what they doing”
      and every local call up like this adds to that. you better believe they
      do a after action report and try to better their “work” . still very few people have any idea just how bad the 2 way rifle range can be. weird is the FACT that no cops are around ??? that in itself is a real problem. the have local support from the clowns in city hall.
      not good. time or rather PAST time to move the hell out of that area . the big problem is they have comms and you don’t. they also have someone in charge overseeing it all. and I would lay odds that the ones on ATVs where ARMED as well.
      still think AR pistols are stupid ? a good 10 or more inch barrel and flash cone would be handy as hell there, along with 6 or more magazines. and you better believe they got the plate number and will find you afterwards too. best thing you can do is move away from that area.

  1. If these fuckers think Palestine/Gaza/Westbank is so great, I have some advice…

    Go the fuck back there, join the fight for a free Palestine and see how long you last. I’m thinking less than a day.

  2. “Professionals are predictable but the world is full of dangerous amateurs.”

    There are scores of ‘trained and experienced’ guys who are lying under the earth because none of their training and experience made them bulletproof.

    Anyone who thinks armed combat with anyone, regardless of who, is gonna be a turkey shoot is a delusional jackass. There’s always a chance you don’t go home.

      • Combat is always simply a matter of playing the odds, Bear Claw. You do what you can to stack the deck in your favor (the other guy’s doing it too), but even still you play the hand you’re dealt.

  3. …or how about driving up with a dump truck full of pig guts and decapitated pig heads and dumping it on their blocking vehicles or them or on the front steps of their mosque.

    I’m thinking an F350 sized or bigger vehicle (old Dodge power wagon?) with a double wing plow on the front and a load of pig guts/heads in the back would send a clear message.

    Pickup truck bodies are fairly easy to convert to dump body’s. Old guy I used to see 30 years ago had a Ford Ranger he put a dump kit in so that he could bring his yard waste to the dump and easily unload it.

    After what Hamas did in Israel on OCT 7, 2023, it’s time for the white gloves to come off and brass knucks to go on. Let these fuckers know what a real down and dirty street fight is all about.

    The Palestinians bitched and pissed and moaned about not having enough fresh water for their people because the didn’t have the piping. So the EU in its benevolence sent them a whole bunch of water well casing and underground street pipes.

    What do the Palestinians do? They took the pipe and make rocket bodies out of it.

    Israel screwed up back in the 90’s when they had Arafat cornered in his house and didn’t kill that disgusting pig terrorist by bulldozing his house to rubble with him inside.

    The only thing these people, I use that term loosely, understand is violence. Give it to them in terms they can understand. They are getting some of that now watching many of their buildings in northern Gaza being bombed into rubble.

    Pundits are trying to paint the average Palestinians as peaceful yada, yada, yada. They are Muslims whose religion instructs them to kill all infidels that won’t convert to Islam. The Koran’s Surah 9:5: “Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …

    They’ve been fighting over this disgusting piece of dirt since before recorded history. It’s time to end it once and for all time. Turn it into glass so that no one fights over it again EVER.

    As to Iran … that country should have been turned into glass a long Long LONG time ago. Why we didn’t destroy Iran’s oil infrastructure back in the late seventies when they took our embassy people hostage is beyond me. Oh, peak oil? (the seventies was when that term came into vogue). Another phrase of gaslighting lying boolshit.

    We and every oil country in the world is pumping a crap load MORE oil today than it was in the 70’s. It might run out in a couple hundred or thousand or a million years. No one knows for sure and every time a prediction has been made on peak oil in the last 50 years it’s turned out to be another lie to further some other agenda.

    I am sick to death of appeasing and giving tribute(foreign aid) to these little piss ant countries and their leaders that think they can run with the big dogs. They need to ask Japan how their leaders dreams of world domination worked out for them 78 years ago.

    The Romans tried the tribute route 2000 years ago after they were over run by “barbarians”. it didn’t work then, it isn’t working now and in the long run it never works.

    The only thing that does work is violence.

    Time for the world, especially the Muslims, to relearn that lesson.

    • Nemo,
      I appreciate your enthusiasm!
      Now, what can we learn:
      * about the so-called ‘defensive’ equipment — much of it supplied by American tax-payers, much of it failed… the rest of those expensive temperamental gadgetry are pulled back to the secondary ‘defensive line’… to protect the junk after it failed the first time.
      * about crews on-site on-duty/on-call 24/7/360° — fatigue, inexperience, distraction, believing fraudulent lies about their inherent superiority based on decades of welfare cover provided by American tax-payers.
      * about the propaganda — control of the MainStreamMedia often creates a false sense of ‘we are good, and good always wins!’.
      Unrealistic rah-rah.
      * about those perpetual war folks — financial advisors recommend investing in war equipment manufacturers because it always gets ruined/lost/confiscated and always needs replacing.
      * about the last century of the endless ‘foreign-aid skim scam’ — every word from every bureaucrat is a lie, each of their words and actions are intended to further one goal… personal enrichment.
      None of them care anything about children, the environment, electric vehicles, or firearms.
      They are terrorfied babies, stuck at a 2yo level, believing they are the Center Of The Universe, so they will continue throwing tantrums until they get their way.
      LM Forecast:
      I think we continue to see that level of nincompoopery as long as we have neighbors and relatives.
      I strongly doubt our species is capable of maturing beyond every identical act as recorded by history.
      We step on stage, we toe our marks.
      We performed identical first-second-third acts for thousands of generations.
      Our roles are set, we read the script, the bored audience applauds patiently.
      Without an outside director stepping in, laying down the law and instructing the trouble-makers, where is the impetus of change?

  4. I suspect that some of these more organized anarchistic groups are getting training, supervision and even direct assistance and control from Federal Agents during these events. The criminals in power WANT crime and anarchy to scare people into crying for MORE GOVERNMENT to deal with the problems. And part of that response will be the government nullifying Rights and freedoms. Which is one of their goals.

    • I have often thought the same thing. they sowing the seeds for the people to beg for martial law. to crack down on the “bad guys”
      problem is, to the clowns in power. we all bad guys.
      and the fools above doing this stupid shit, they be the first to go
      “somewhere else” by the clowns in power.

  5. When he discovered he was trapped donuts up and back weaving at high speed would clear the streets so add defensive driving training to your preps. Always have a full tank

  6. Another example of “State-Sponsored Terrorism” by (((communists))) and their useful idiots. No Presence of po-Lice, but if a single person tried to Defend themselves, pigs would be On them like flies on a fresh cow-pie. Remember the guy who had an AK shoved in his face as his Car was being Blocked by the Mob? He’s in Jail. Antifa with the Gun wasn’t even Arrested.

    Kyle Rittenhouse was the Exception to the Rule that it is ILLEGAL AS F**K to Fight against the Regime’s ‘enforcers’, Uniformed or Not.

    As for this Incident, how long would these ‘Rioters’ would have remained ‘organized’ when one or two people Opened Up on them with .30 Caliber semis, or a Belt-Fed? That’s the real Question, and Bracken writing in praise of the “organization and planning” of these groups neglects the Fact that Every One of them understand that they are Acting with the Permission and Protection of ‘government’. What Happens when that Factor is Removed?

  7. Later Notes:
    We re-watched each of the linked videos on a big-screen at extremely-slow ‘.10x playback’.
    re — close-up through passenger window
    We get the impression the ‘elderly White man in the white sedan’ episode is a set-up, the driver merely another crisis-actor.
    Near the end of the main video, loudspeaker boy screams “Leave the car alone!”, referring to the black station-wagon.
    Although the image seems professionally pixelated (localized to only the windshield), we believe the occupants are a ‘family of color’.
    White vehicle : bad.
    Black vehicle : good.
    Paying a few hundred crisis-actor hires, plus catering and transportation and vehicle/equipment purchase/rentals?
    Does this sound like a million fedbux, or more?

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