7 thoughts on “Our old companions.

  1. We’ve done our morning routine, feed & water the turtles & birds & chased a squirrel or two & now we’re in the air conditioning. It takes us longer than before but we get it done.

  2. I tell people dogs make you laugh a million times and cry once. Sometimes, it’s more than once.

  3. there are more pictures of the dogs I had in my life than people on my walls.
    some friends I do miss. but not as much as I do the good dogs I have had in my life. even the fridge is covered with dog pictures.

  4. Got a 16yo cat that is going pretty fast. I let him up into my lap every chance I get.
    I will miss him, for sure.

  5. Our Viszla is 14 now, she’s still physically healthy enough but obviously slowing up, was never the sharpest tool in the box but definately going a bit gaga, wanders the yard and garden aimlessly for 5 minutes at a time.
    She’s been a good dog and when the time comes she isn’t going to suffer in pain.

    The spaniels are 11 and 8 (mother and son respectively), we’re not spring chickens ourselves so as they pass on we probably won’t get another dog.
    We too like dogs more than people.

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