Our elites commanding verse.

” Slave, accept the authority of your masters, with all deference. for it is to your credit of being aware of god, you endure pain while suffering unjustly.”

First Epistle of Peter, Two-Eighteen

5 thoughts on “Our elites commanding verse.

  1. I’m no expert on Bible verses and am no English major either.

    Reading this verse, it appears that “difference” should be “deference”. (Another auto-correct faux pas?)

    I did check the New Testament reference, several postings from different versions and can’t find a match.

    • Thank you Nemo for catching that. It is deference. I didn’t proof read my post as diligently as I should have. Yes, I use Auto-correct…

  2. In America, unlike the societies of biblical times, the People are the sovereigns. The government is made up of citizens, elected to operate the mechanisms the constitution creates. They are Called public Servants. They are OUR hirelings. We are Not their slaves, even IF they manage to make us wage slaves. It’s completely within the constitution to rebel. Unlike in the societies of other places and other times, America is The nation that is founded on the freedom of The People, and misapplied scriptures don’t change that any more than a poem slapped on the statue of liberty sets immigration policy. Although it certainly has been given that mantle of authority, it seems.

    • “It’s completely within the constitution to rebel.”

      Lincoln disagreed to the tune of 600+K dead.

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