7 thoughts on “Open thread, talk about the fibbies, bidet, anything, stay off of my stumping post!

  1. I’m seeing an organized attack on the FEEB’s on Fox News right now regarding their Mar A Lago fishing expedition.
    The backlash continues.
    Who was the Agent that got escorted out of the building today?
    Tim Tebow?
    He’ll be on the CNN payroll by this time next week.
    I’m telling ya, the FJB administration is getting hammered from all sides here lately.
    That means the MotherWEFer’s are also taking a beating because one is running cover for the other.

  2. what is happening is nothing more than CYA on the upper level.
    poor shithead will be the fall guy and the assholes will march on.
    what is needed is to shed light on all of the background assholes so when the
    wheels come off, everyone knows who to take to the hanging tree.

  3. Everything is a distraction. Don’t forget that, oh look squirrel. Lots of doom porn out there.

  4. One guy gets publicly thrown to the wolves, while the real coup plotters, Comey, Stzock, Page and a whole bunch of so far unnamed agents at the top of the FBI food chain are STILL walking around free, being paid and/or collecting their pensions.

    In the meantime Durham is 3+ years into an investigation(read coverup) of which we have seen not one effing jot of anything, just like the Mueller Cover up (investigation) whose sole purpose was/is to destroy evidence of how far up the FBI food chain the corruption went.

  5. One of my customers today starting talking about Sept 14th being a big deal because of a rail road workers strike. He’s a wealthy old guy that doesn’t have anyone to talk to. He’s sure this will be the beginning of the end. Anyone heard about this?

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