23 thoughts on “One of your blog brethren sent this to me and asked that it be posted. Under duress I post…

  1. As a former paramedic, I can honestly say I have seen and been involved in some purely revolting shit, however your complete lack of decorum has unfortunately added yet another level.

  2. Under duress?
    Doesn’t excuse your contemptible disregard for the violent reaction you put me through. It started with my gag reflex and worked its way down from there.

  3. so… the skank has sworn off rug munching, huh? Well no impact here.
    The 2nd picture reminds me of a N. J. landfill, probably smells the same. As Podesta once said. “I’ve noticed that she has an “odor” lately. It reminds me of a combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and farts.’ Thanks for sharing.

  4. Good God Almighty, this is stomach and brain churning stuff.

    It’s official, you have no scruples.

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