14 thoughts on “One Of Many Things

  1. 35K+ of plastic breast work there. Revisions often needed as they tend to sag, also in the multi-K range.

    Generally, NOT paid for by Insurance unless for reconstruction due to cancer surgery and I’m pretty darn sure those were never OEM boobies.

    I wonder if the current ATM, err boyfriend or shudder husband paid for those or the previous one.

    • I used to share an office at a remote site with another guy. One day he took a call on speaker from his wife who informed him she had pulled 20k from their account for a down payment on boob implants.

      He asked her why she was getting them as he enjoyed her natural ones. She told him her personal trainer said she would look better with larger boobs. After he hung up he looked at me and said “pretty sure i just paid for another mans playthings”.

      In the 2 years of working that 21 days on site and 7 days home shift, everytime a guy said his wife got implants he found out she cheated shortly after.

      • Seems like every time I put new tires on an old truck, I end up selling it shortly thereafter. Wonder if the two phenomena are related?

  2. As a certified grumpy old coot, my thought is always “Flaunt it while you got it honeybunch, it’s gonna fade soon enough.”
    She’ll be carting those silicone hushpuppies around in a wheelbarrow someday.

  3. 1 – she dresses like that for attention, but
    2 – she acts offended when guys stare, and
    3 – any guy dating her better get used to every other guy staring, otherwise
    4 – he’s going be getting into a lot of fights.

    Or as my grandmother would say, don’t advertise if you ain’t selling it.

  4. The real fun is observing the other women in the store observing. I got a chance once, not quite that nice but I circled back often

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