Once Upon A Time, Long Long Ago,

And people can see on my face without me saying a word that their bullshit ain’t flying.

Push it too far and the rabid badger Phil gets right in your face.

I quit putting up with peoples shit a long time ago and the only thing worse with me is fucking DRAMA.


Take your Drama Queen ass and get down the fucking road with that shit.

9 thoughts on “Once Upon A Time, Long Long Ago,

  1. I’m almost shocked at how easily “Get fucked, cunt” flows out of my mouth out in public for the most trivial reasons…

  2. I have found it a lot better to walk the hell away and forget the asshole.
    same thing with drama queens, just walk away and don’t look back.
    life is too long and hard to put up with bullshit from others.
    why do you think I moved to the woods ?

  3. I was 31 before I realized that my own opinion of myself was the only one that mattered. My life didn’t become any easier at that point but it did get much, much simpler.

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