9 thoughts on “Old Truck Tuesday. Fords, Chevys, Dodges.

  1. yeah, there a place not too far from here that sells old trucks and whatnot
    that have been restored or something (?) for big bucks
    and they seem to get the money too ?

    • It probably is restorable. Whether it’s worth the effort of not is up to you. The red rustbucket is not. If it’s got visible body cancer that bad, you can safely assume it’s much worse underneath.

  2. That four door Power Wagon must be a custom creation– perhaps the combination of a WW2 Power Wagon ambulance and the cab of a “stock” Power Wagon

    Regardless — that version of the Power Wagon (post WW2) has to be the epidemy of a “backwoods” 4WD vehicle

  3. Have had several versions of a lot of trucks on this page. They all had good points as well as some bad. But they all got me around. Even an odd piece every so often. Fun time had by all.

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