5 thoughts on “Old Truck Tuesday

  1. Little mikey bloomberg is a farmer as well. Thank God for farmers and ranchers.

  2. I’ve been retired from farming for four years now and still remember friends getting excited because it was Friday and while understanding their point of view, they never understood mine. I raised a lot of hogs and crops and while hogs do not require the devotion of time that dairy cows do [or did], it still was an every day job to feed, bed and take care of the new born pigs while checking the health of the rest.

    • Good on ya Paul, thank you for what you did. Hope a descendant is now in charge and may God Bless them all the days of all your lives.

  3. that milk truck takes me back . . . . . my brother had a willeys pu for a snow plow. t’wernt very fast but could sure git the job done.

  4. I love the “farming one”. On the 4th of July we took our travel trailer from the eastern part of PA (right on the Delaware) to a campground in Lancaster PA. Almost every farm we passed had someone out in the field doing something. Cutting forage or raking it for bales. All kinds of people out there, male and female driving tractors or, if they were Amish, with mules. I made a comment to my wife that it sure does look that they didn’t hear about the holiday. i worked on a dairy farm when I was 14 and 15, 61 years ago. We didn’t have holidays either. 5 AM there were cows to be milked, they didn’t realize it was the weekend either.

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