Old Souls And The Last Good Men (updated)

Worth watching IMO.

The refusal to participate in our own marginalization and destruction has begun in earnest and it won’t be long until even the most woke sonofabitch will be wondering why things don’t work anymore.

The Women have finally started waking up after they discovered the Good Men are gone already.

FAFO on a civilizational scale.


I just found this over at Non Original Rants and it fits here PERFECTLY.

This is the future and it is here now.

15 thoughts on “Old Souls And The Last Good Men (updated)

  1. Ya, I’m not lifting an finger to anything woke, .gov or the current thing whatsoever. No clicks, eyeballs etc. If I see any of these zombies on fire, I’m not sparing an drop of piss to put them out! ‘They got the last klik outta junior’!

  2. Well, don’t I feel silly!?? This is one of the places my friend and I talk about. Yeah, every day, sometimes more than once.
    justinoguy54, C..

  3. You almost can’t watch a TV commercial anymore without seeing two guys swapping spit, or being looked upon as an idiot by the all knowing wife. The dumbing down of American manhood is everywhere.

    • Yeah, I want to see things headed toward a point, today.
      I mostly just don’t watch them, except for guys like Buckin’ Billy Ray Smith.

    • On my telephone, I set playback to 1.25x or 1.5x, although occasionally I simply go for the transcript.
      I read probably three hundred times faster than speech.
      For today’s video, I scrolled to the last few of the transcript, the part about ‘brought something positive, miss us after we are gone’.
      05:08 screenshot of Bjorn with that section of the transcript instantly added to my screensaver rotation.

  4. What he says here is exactly what Ayn Rand said in her book “Atlas Shrugged” I wonder if he read it. It’s a long, hard read but it is a life changer and I have bought several of them to give away in the past. I think it’s coming soon. —ken

  5. and people wonder how I live without a goddamn tv too.
    tossed it out over 25 years ago and never looked back. before I retired, my “co-workers” used to ask me about this tv show or did I watch the “game” last night.
    and I would say no. I read a book or did something, made something or fixed something. the way things are now makes me wish I did it a lot sooner.
    I have found that getting away from people is good for the soul.
    and all of this woke crap, well. they can keep it.

  6. He wasn’t so slow, after all.
    I left 20 some years ago. I only go out maybe 4 times a year to fill the gas cans and get tobacco. I see fed-ex drivers and the propane guy, and hunters and fishermen looking for access. Family is mostly all here.
    Youngest boy went through the tofu lumberjack phase (new wife) but he’s more interested in building guitars, than anything else.

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