26 thoughts on “OK, Is This My Kin, Your Kin Or Our Kin?

  1. I bet a dollar if these three went fishing wildlife officers would never go near them to check out credentials.

  2. Are you JO kin? I thought the Wal-Martians pics were weird. Maybe some of those incest stories were real.

  3. Can you hear the lovely strains of dueling banjos and someone saying “you got yerself a purdy mouth”

    • I should know not to follow mysterious URLs while I’m at work.

      I’ll have to re-visit that when I get home tonight. For science.

  4. I’d be willing to bet that no matter how long and hard one looked, no odder video could be found.
    Thank you for your service. I am now going to go get electroshock to see if the images can get erased from my brain. I probably should not have watched it three times.

  5. yup. you will find “them” in some very rural areas around the country.
    or in royal courts. the middle east is big on it as well.
    my mom used to say the only good thing about WW2 was that the gene pool got
    a good stirring.
    still, seeing something like that in real life would have me running my ass off back the way I came in.
    where did you find(?) this and why did you have to show it to us ?
    what did we ever do to you ?

    • Very common in Pakistan and Pakistani communities wherever they go. Most marriages are between first cousins…

  6. Gaggg. Sludge at the bottom of the gene pool. But I don’t need to dwell on it, I’m going elsewhere……

  7. I’m in a Catch 22 situation. To find those two “ladies” attractive, I would need to drink three bottles of whisky but if I did drink three bottles of whisky, I’d be unconscious for a week … I’d consider the monumental hangover to be a small price to pay to avoid the “horizontal folk dance” with Jelly Belly and the rat denture model.

    Pardon me while I shrink back into my foreskin.

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