9 thoughts on “Oh HELL Yeah!

    • Twice divorced, so he knows where he’s coming from.

      We’ve been on a slippery slope since the 19th Amendment and we haven’t hit bottom, yet.

      So, Nikki has thrown in the towel after yesterday’s drubbing, but STILL thinks Trump should choose her for VP. She just doesn’t get that people don’t want her on the ticket in any capacity, except maybe in VT with their THREE Electoral college votes.

  1. Every society that lasted a long time, from the Phoenicians to the Ottoman Empire, were strictly male dominated. As women became more involved in politics, the longevity of societies became shorter and shorter. It’s all in the manner of governance. (And by “women” I also include liberal semi- “males”.) A society can by governed by common sense and practicality (men), or it can be ruled by emotions and idealistic, impracticle bilge (women).

  2. I bet his views on Timmy Scott & Vivek Ramaswamy would be epic.

    Also, RIP Nikki Haley’s campaign as of 10 AM 3/6/2024. Won 2 primaries. The cesspool known as Washington DC and Vermont, represented by a rancid old commie.

    How fitting.

    • That “rancid old commie” is a NYC and environs transplant as are a goodly number of VT residents. Happened when IBM built its plant in Essex Jct. The real natives, people that can or could trace their lineage back to the Green Mountain Boys, hated them. The natives vote conservative, for the most part, but have been over run by New Yawker transplants.

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