7 thoughts on “Oh good, another Mexican cartel…

  1. My Grandparents are from Tucson and long dead, but loved their Chihuahuas. Those dogs were horrible. My Parents are dead but at least they did not like them or did my uncles or aunts.

    • Oh yeah! Relaxing, that’s the operative word there. Funny.

  2. Chihuahuas are one of the two coolest breeds of dogs there is. Kinda like a badger crossed with a rat with loyalty and love. German shepherds are the other. Both are loyal to the bone. We have three of each and love them all

  3. Just cover your ankles or maybe walk through a puddle of water, that’d fix them. I thought the Messicans developed the Chihuahua to feed the coyotes, so’s they wouldn’t get hungry and target the chicken flock.

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