After I got back from Horror Freight earlier, I drug out a bunch of tools and “shop consumables”, you know, those things you get charged out the ass for by repair shops like rags, brake clean, that kind of shit, and went at it.
The very first thing I see is more Shit That Bubba Did, right out of the gate.
The picture is blurry but if you look closely, you will notice that some COMPLETE FUCKING MORON PUT THE LUG NUTS ON BACKWARDS.
The cones are sticking out, instead of in like they should be.

Ye Olde Snap On 1/2 inch drive air powered bolt snapper made short work of that shit and off the wheel came.
I redid the other side first with the new hub but because I just did it last weekend, I didn’t have any problems with that.
This side however, was pretty much exactly like that one was the first time.
Completely FUBAR.
To wit,
After I finally got the wheel and hub off, I was greeted with this shit.

The inner bearing on this side was fucking GONE also.
Go back in the garage and dig the bearing puller kit back out, rinse and repeat.

This one came off HARD.
After I got it off finally and got the spindle cleaned off I saw why.
Big grooves gouged in the spindle.
It took a long time and a bunch of emory cloth to get that shit smoothed back out.
I messed with this little project for a good two hours easily.
The whole time it is overcast, cold, windy and off and on raining with some hail thrown in just for fun.
It would start in and I would have to beat a hasty retreat back into the garage and wait until it blew over before I could go at it again.
Eventually I got the little sonofabitch put back together though.
And wouldn’t you know it, because that’s the way it works for me, LITERALLY five seconds after I got the last lug nut tightened up, started to snag the socket off the air gun so I could start putting stuff away, the clouds parted and the Sun came out.
If you look in the background you can see the Sun shining off the brand new crop of bright yellow Dandelions that I get to attack soon.

But that part is done.
I win again.
Naturally, right after I got done cleaning everything up and was putting the last tool away, the Fed Ex guy shows up with the little plastic fenders I was waiting on.
Someone up there has a wicked sense of humor.
Fuck that, they can wait.
I’m not sure I have the flat bar I need to make the brackets out of anyway.
It actually was a good thing I decided to wait.
Twenty minutes later the clouds came back, the sky opened up and it just hailed like a motherfucker for a good ten minutes straight.
That tapered off and turned to rain and that went on for another twenty minutes.
It ain’t no joke when they say that if you don’t like the weather around here just wait ten minutes, especially this time of year.
So I did manage to get something done before the deluge.
I still have a shit ton of things I need to get done.
I just got back from the parts house because I ran out of shop rags and I needed a real short 10 mm bolt to put a cart back together with that been sitting in the bed of my truck for two weeks.
Then the mowers, then…
Yard Work.
Oh My God the yardwork that needs doing around here.
Then there is also this motor and VFD that keeps calling my name.
I swear that I am going to wind up working on that after ten at night if I ever want to get that done.
There just aren’t enough hours in the day.
Just kicked off the Lawn Care Season today.
You win the boobie prize from Phil drjim…
Yer late. I kicked off two weeks ago. Mower only gets to rest from December to March around here.
Phil, do you have a little utility stick welder buried somewhere in there?
Easiest way to put on the fenders, position where they want to be, place the metal strip accordingly, drill the fender support holes in same, weld metal to frame. Easy peasy.
Yep, that might be the way to go.
Phil, you’ve inspired me to work on my little trailer…
I’m sorry.
“Phil, you’ve inspired me to work on my little trailer…”
“I’m sorry.”
Holee Shit, I’ve never laughed so fucking hard in my life.
No you’re not. You like to share the pain when you can. I’m pretty sure I’ll use more cuss words than you did if I find my bearings in that state.
I just hope yours are still assembled as they are supposed to be and come off easy.
If they don’t, go to Horror Fright and pick up that bearing puller kit. It paid for its self on the first one.
BTW, there was certainly cussing involved but not as much as you might think. Hard to cuss when your jaws are locked tight in frustration.
Good luck with it.
You are lucky that did not heat weld to that spindle… David Drake, that is what we aim to deliver, chuckles and guffaws till the biden comes home. (FJ&JB)
Joe and Jill
Fuck Joe & Jill Biden…
Will Rogers made that phrase about the weather, in Oklahoma famous.