6 thoughts on “Now you know why I don’t post pics…

  1. “That Only a Mother”? (Sci-fi short story). Joke.

    But I’m sure you exaggerate. Thou dost protest to much.

  2. As a beauty I’m not a great star,
    there are others more handsome by far!
    But my face – I don’t mind it,
    Because I’m behind it.
    It’s the people in front that I jar…

  3. Cederq, when you hang out in pick-up bars, put two paper bags in your pocket. The sheila can wear one, and you put the other one over your ugly mug. At least that way, you’ll be saving money, instead of forking out so both of you get drunk enough to have sex. Why not get Deathray to fix you up with a southern cousin of his Sasquatch girl?

    • See Johno I don’t hang out in bars, I am afraid of walking into some dive and you be sitting there, I will know it is you, the wheelchair, the black sunglasses and a drunk wallaby sitting on your lap making rude gestures and grabbing all the ugly, fat wimmins there….

  4. Yeah, I don’t set the world on fire either. Not ugly or handsome, just okay. I can deal with it – pretty people have extra pressure put on them, like being invited over and talked to. Expected to dress appropriately. Always be clever and witty.

    I’m more of a ‘leave me alone’ kind of guy, Go mess with that guy over there, I have things I want to do over here.

  5. You seem to have a fixation on wallabies, there are plenty of other macropods to choose from you know, maybe choose one of the carnivorous species. My cousin’s farm is home to a clan of the Mareeba rock wallaby. After a building expansion programme of erecting new farm sheds, he found them soon claimed by the little buggers during the day. They weren’t just getting out of the sun, but avoiding the huge raptor that is the wedgetail eagle, giving them a rude gesture from under the protection of a corrugated iron roof.

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