13 thoughts on “Nothing worse than a participant and sinner figures out the truth…

  1. This is the first I’ve ever heard/seen a link between DDT and polio. Certainly the use of DDT did a lot to lessen the prevalence of malaria. And on balance, I’d rather trust a pesticide over a vaccine, even if the former has less than ideal characteristics. It has been said that modern sanitation practices get much (maybe most) of the credit for reducing the prevalence of polio, and I can believe that.

    • (Hit “post” before I finished typing) I guess I’ll go looking at the case being made for DDT causing polio. I suppose it’s possible, just as we are now seeing a host of problems (apparently) caused by glyphosate and seed oils. God knows we’ve done a number on ourselves with too much bullshit chemistry.

    • DDT was developed to combat the Gypsy Moth invasion of the hardwood forests in the eastern states. Where it was sprayed heavily (so heavily it dripped and coated everything) in those areas, a new disease cropped up, Polio. A neurological disease never seen before.

  2. Polio has been around for thousands of years. DDT was synthesized in the 1940s. It still shows up in small trace amounts in our water quality tests taken in the rivers here and the state biologists told me it occurs naturally.

  3. Polio is caused by a VIRUS….like Smallpox is caused by a VIRUS. Both diseases existed….and were a scourge to humanity LONG before DDT or ANY manufactured chemicals existed. Bullshit like this is proof of mindlessness. Doesn’t matter which side of the equation it’s on its still brain dead insanity. Vaccines are not risk free. Never have been. They operate under a long standing paradigm of risk vs benefit. For most vaccines the risk is small and the benefits large. Therefore it’s in your AND society’s best interest to be vaccinated. The newer mRNA vaccines appear to have huge risks and minimal benefits. At this point in time it seems prudent to avoid these. But older vaccines like Smallpox, Polio, Tetanus etc are very safe AND very effective. And the reason we see very little Polio and Smallpox during the past half century is because of widespread effective vaccination programs. Stop vaccinating fpr these and these diseases WILL return. Oh….and I did graduate from medical school. So I AM an expert compared to all the morons pontificating on the Internet

    • I’m surprised no one brought up FDR. He contracted Polio in 1921 at the age of 39. DDT was developed, as pointed out by Walnut1, in the 40s. Seem like there is a disconnect in the logic between DDT and Polio. But I could be missing something.

      • There is some evidence FDR didn’t suffer from Polio, but Becker Muscular Dystrophy or more likely Distal MD, as it has a later onset of adults. Another MD that affects older males is Myotonic MD. It is possible FDR(b.1882) had polio as DDT as been around since before he was born.

        The Polio narrative may have been used to garner more sympathy and hide the truth about him. Polio usually affects those five and younger, but it has been seen in older children and adults

        DDT was synthesized in 1874 and was widely used as a pesticide in the those early years. In 1939 it was discovered to be an effective insecticide and used by the Army and Public health to combat a myriad of disease caused by insects such as malaria, typhus, other insect borne diseases.

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