Sometimes it’s only fun for a couple of hours. Then the Jekyll and Hyde dichotomy is revealed, spoiling the post coital relaxation. Many a steel belted radial has given it’s life, in the process of finding out (after fucking around, naturally).
are you insane ? one is bad enough, and you want to get two of them? I mean for sure they be glad to get rid of two at one time.
but really, you have a death wish or something else just as bad ?
hard pass. had enough crazy to last me a lifetime already.
The Psych Wards have been emptied. Better off finding your hot date at the Pharmacy when they’re refilling prescriptions for their meds.
Saves time and you can pick “your brand” of crazy. Sounds like a GREAT idea.
The sign should read “Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here…”
I’ve got one of those signs by my back door.
Damn … if I didn’t already have one …
Don’t stick your dick in crazy. It’s only fun for a couple months.
Sometimes it’s only fun for a couple of hours. Then the Jekyll and Hyde dichotomy is revealed, spoiling the post coital relaxation. Many a steel belted radial has given it’s life, in the process of finding out (after fucking around, naturally).
That sign is on the wall next to the door. The sign on the door rears, “Liberal Party of Canada.”
Bet you could get a two for one deal.
are you insane ? one is bad enough, and you want to get two of them? I mean for sure they be glad to get rid of two at one time.
but really, you have a death wish or something else just as bad ?
hard pass. had enough crazy to last me a lifetime already.
“are you insane ?” Yup!!!!