10 thoughts on “Nothing else to say.

  1. Why yes, yes I am. Tits matter, BIG tits matter more.

    Caption on a shirt worn by a sweetie with big tits: “Under communism I’d be starving to much to have tits this big.”

    Chin up, shoulders back, tits out, make’em drool.

    Big Tits, there IS … no … substitute.

  2. This post needs example photos
    For research and pedagogical purposes of course


    • Tonya Harding. The most overhyped, and also most brutally disappointing tiddies of the 20th century. I was there in 1996 when, via nascent dialup internet, a short grainy gif made from a leaked video of the old kneecapper herself strutting around topless was leaked. Many hours of a buddy of mine downloading at 14.4k ensued, only for is to be left completely dejected – and dare I say “udderly” deflated – by what we saw. I can still almost taste the puke in my mouth.

      Anyway, when the patriarchy is properly re-established, we shall be consulting Joe Walsh for a new national anthem. That is all.

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