Not That You Can Tell….

But I hauled two truckloads of tools and machinery out of the garage yesterday.


And after,

Of course now there is crap all over the floor because all of the horizontal surfaces are gone but hey, it’s a start.

The Wifely Unit’s, Niece’s, boyfriend is fairly decent young guy, kinda a musician/hippy type but he is a hard worker and like me, he has a thing for old tools and machinery.

So I loaded his ass up yesterday.

I’m currently waiting on him and his buddy to come back over to move a bunch of sheet metal parts for the Sprite that I have piled up in the back yard so I can pressure wash them and get to a bunch of Allen Bradley tractor attachments that are underneath those so they is going to be moved out to where they are obtained so I can take pictures of them because that Walk Behind tractor with all the attachments is going to be cleaned up and put on Craigslist.

I know it’s hard to believe but The Great Downsizing has begun.

29 thoughts on “Not That You Can Tell….

    • Ayup.
      I finally realized a few months ago that there was so much crap in there that I couldn’t get to any of it to use it and so many projects that I was never going to have time to finish that it had to start going away.
      Not to mention the Wifely Unit has been riding my ass for years to get rid of it.
      Making her happy is just a side effect..

  1. Step One to cure Accumulators Syndrome is to stop acquiring stuff. Step Two is to face your fear of “if I throw it out, I’ll need it next week.” Step 3 is to identify the items you haven’t used in 3 or more years and get rid of them first. Step 4 is lather rinse repeat for 2 year items.

    Good Luck!


    • Every gambler (hoarder) knows
      that the secret to surviving
      is knowing what to throw away
      and knowing what to keep
      — Kenny Rogers

      • That’s the rub, by using time as the deciding factor for a get rid of or keep the actual thought process is simplified. Haven’t used it then its going. Doesn’t mean you have to throw it away, ebays your friend here.


  2. Therefore do not send to know for whom the bell to clean out the garage tolls, it tolls for thee.

  3. I was making some repairs to a woman’s home. She opened the garage door. It was stuffed to the rafters with every kind of tool you’d want. Most were brand new, high quality.

    She had recently divorced and her only son had died. She said all tools are for sale for pennies. I made an offer right there. She said no. She wanted to sell ‘her way’.

  4. Hot damn! Congratulations, deciding and initiating is the biggest hurdle. It won’t hurt to generate some cash too. For shit that’s not valuable enough or donation worthy… there’s Craigslist curb alert in the free stuff in the Sale section. There are careers built from the free stuff listings.

  5. A used 48 ft. Container could help in the meantime. Rent it, load it. Then in your leisure invoice it for eventual sale s. I have a sign shop full of 40 years of neons and other collectables. They all have to go.

  6. I’m there with you in spirit Phil. Tomorrow a couple of nice fellows are coming over to purchase my 1952 MGTD project. All it is now is a rolling chassis and about 1200 lb of parts in boxes, the body panels, engine and transmission, fenders etc.
    After 27 years of not getting it done, decided to sell it to a younger (perhaps more foolish) fellow. This opens up 9 storage rack tiers and frees up the car lift for real work instead of storage.

    Life is funny, when I worked 5 minutes from home (first 20 years), had all the time in the world for these things. Commuting 1.5 to 2 hours/day for 20 years killed that, along with living out of a suitcase for 3 to 4 months per year.

    It’s a start for both of us, more going to be moved out shortly. Fleabay and Craigslist are going to be groaning. Who knows, might even be able to get rid of one pallet rack shelving. unit.

    The next challenge is to NOT fill the space with more projects, not sure I have that much willpower. Gonna be interesting all round. I raise a root beer in your direction.

    • yeah, kind of did the same thing a few years ago. but with me it was
      a MGB-GT 1969 type. one guy came for the NOS fenders I had. and he ended up going home with a lot more for a extra 200 bucks.
      selling “stuff” on Craigslists is a PIA bigtime. tried selling at 70% of what the “stuff” cost you and a lot of ass clowns try to buy at 20% or less. one thing I have found is. if the bastard is really well off, he will try to get as much as he can for cheap. even told one group of assholes that I was not on crack or going to lose my house and if they didn’t like the price, then leave. but guys working and saving their dimes to do stuff have no problem paying a fair price. what I learned is that it is much better to give the stuff to someone who will be thankful for it and forget the damn money.
      life is way too short to be dealing with assholes.
      so, I don’t waste my time even trying to sell stuff on Craigslists anymore.

  7. I applaud you.
    I’ve been cleaning up my shop so we can move, and it’s nearly impossible for me to determine what to get rid of and what to keep. I see value in a tiny piece of lumber.

  8. I see this in my near future. I am trying to get out of NE ATL and I have a basement workshop that is full of tools and C-3 Corvette parts. If I had a small block chevy block I am sure I have enough parts to throw together a slop machine. There is a 96 Harley Sportster 1200 Sport in two boxes and on a bike lift that has been sitting there since 2003 with all of the parts for a top end rebuild for an 88 CI upgrade refit. I was cleaning up and found a 12″ drill press I haven’t seen for 15 years. Anybody interested in buying a never been used engine stand that is 10 years old still in the box?

  9. Doing some cleaning up around here too. Had a huge accumulated brushpile in the backyard from freeze damaged trees and other issues and one day after it rained I finally got a burn permit. It was a big fire and when it was down to a pile of ashes I held the hose on it for at least 10 minutes to put it out. Late that night I looked out in the yard and it had partially reignited! I have a John Deere L-120 riding lawn mower with that blew its second engine and the local Deere dealership says I can put it in their scrap yard so moving it is my next project. Another problem was a dead 52 inch plasma screen TV but the local transfer station turned out to have a whole process for binging in dead TV’s for recycling.

    • Umm, no need to be critical, he is trying. At least give him a month or so. chuckling

      • Just razzing him, Grog. It’s what we do.

        Wouldn’t want him getting a big head with all the congratulations, now, would we? He’d become insufferable.

        Just sayin’

  10. We’re all hoarders at heart. Some of us have moved so much that it squelched the hoarder in us.

    Evil Franklin

  11. Wish we were closer! I’d be checking out the Bradley+ implements…
    That kinda stuff is rare and expensive around here.

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