6 thoughts on “Not a good time to be an elite…

  1. Lucky for us, I suppose, that the elites have done no better than a half assed job on all those things.

    That’s about as optimistic as I usually get…

    • But what runway? They travel in relatively small business-jets with intercontinental range: these can land on smaller airports therefore they are more flexible than you might believe… and they don’t have to travel per car to that airport, they could travel with a helo….


  2. Elites live in large mansions, have large cars, have large yachts, travel in helos, and personal jets. This makes it easier to identify, attack, using ways to cut their energy, water, communication, and transportation.
    Massive amounts of people cannot be stopped if there is riots on their compounds. Worse snipers and hunter trained that are out to get you will go after ways to shut them down from leaving and functioning and will track them internationally depending on the level of hate.

  3. Contrarian here.
    re — RulingParasites
    What if… all they have is trillions of stolen marks and francs.
    What if… all they have is trillions of embezzled American and Australian dollars.
    What if… all they have is trillions of Latin America pesos and that chinesium fiat currency… printed by the truck-full but worth nothing.
    I could stash a few tons of storage food, I could hire the best medical teams, I might be able to temporarily buy the loyalty of thugs in uniforms.
    And, then, what.
    If those hundred and eighty-seven national economies complete their current collapse, making every script more worthless than they are now…
    … what do I buy…
    … how do I trade…
    … how can I compensate my minions for pretending to be loyal.
    I think the RulingParasites are terrorfied of being reduced to living as equal to the basest of peasants.
    The RulingParasites possess zero-zero-zero skills other than manipulating national economies and crafting propaganda about scarcity and propaganda about defense against the aggressor dujour.
    Our RulingParasites are panicked, backed into the corner they built.
    The way I see it, their hold on power, their attempts to grab more power, is worse than irrational.
    Their grasp of reality, their understanding of the Real-World is so corrupted, they believe their only choice is to re-boot the mechanism.
    Crash the entire shootin’ match.
    Toss everything we have on the trash-heap, and start over.
    In dealing with the RulingParasites, let’s begin with one base premise, let’s establish this as our foundation:
    * anybody wanting to be a RulingParasite is delusional.
    Seen from the view of working hands and producers and creators, those RulingParasites — progressives, hollywood perverts, commies, HOA boards, mayors and dog-catchers — offer a net loss to our species.
    Inevitably, as long as they exist, we will be hindered from developing our potential.
    They will do everything in their power to keep us in the dark and keep us stupit.
    If I have a tuna sandwich, and some joker offered to buy it for a hundred pesos or a million yuan, I would probably continue my lunch.
    The RulingParasites are irrelevant.

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