6 thoughts on “Nope.

  1. WRONG!
    It buys votes from those people that believe all the left’s empty promises.

  2. Aaand fifteen bucks an hour just kills off more Mom and Pop operations, further centralizing the supply chain, eliminating our options on Where we spend our money, and once the MegaCorps are the only sources left, any semblance of customer service, reasonable prices and availability of products becomes Whatever They want. But, greedy people are stupid and in the majority. Hey, Dumbasses,, if you are not making your boss more money than you are costing him, he’s gonna fold up. YOU are responsible for Everything it costs to have you there. Workers comp, your part of the light bill, rent, toilet paper Everything. And Then you need to make him enough More than that to justify the Risk of Being in business, where losses are a constant concern and bankrupcy a possible future. Stupid people piss me off.

  3. Daaamn! I remember when it cost only a shilling to use the Queen’s public toilets in the U.K (that be 5 C bloody metrication schitt).

    Don’t visit the U.K without a pocket full of local coins if you expect to take a crap or wizz.

    • Used to be a penny in my Dad’s day. Hence the expression,”I have to spend a penny”.

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