9 thoughts on “None.

  1. Fit in. LOL….. What’s so funny about that was that the “In Crowd” thought SO highly of themselves… bunch of farking mindless, self-absorbed lemmings…..

  2. Fitting in? WTH is that? Another mental disease? MGTOW. I used to bite my tongue enough that it was always bleeding(figuratively). Now people, mostly family members, have stopped asking me my opinion on the rare occasions we’re all in the same room, because I tell them exactly what I think uncoated in any of the ambiguity fashionable these days to protect peoples feewings. They kinda hate that.

  3. I never have fit in and finally figured out I never will. I have a few great friends but I view most people as a pain in the ass. I make my own path in this world and I don’t want to turn around and catch you on my path.

  4. Way over rated.
    Bet you guys all have a similar derogatory laugh, to mine.
    Makes the normies flee.

  5. Why should I change MY ways to fit in with others? Just associate with others like myself and NOBODY needs to change. Why should they? That’s just being a phony and I hate phony people. Rather hang out with my dogs anyway, they don’t judge!

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