19 thoughts on “No Wonder It’s Been So Fucking Cold!!

  1. What libturd done him wrong? What a change in language that he usually spouted about conservatives. Than he will vote for Trump. I wonder if he will vote for Trump.
    He defiantly hit the nail on the head with what he said about middle America.
    I guess he finely woke up on the correct side of History.

  2. Do you think that all those people paid money to hear platitudes from a lying lifelong Lefty who hates them, and would prefer to see all of them, and Donald Trump, dead?

  3. Pretty amazing. I guess an old, fat, fuck *can* learn a new trick. 8 years too late, but whutevs.

  4. it’s just a clip from a 2016 rant , that fat bastard never supported trump just predicted a win

    do not think for a second he supports anything right of socialism

    fuck him

  5. Don’t be fooled. All one has to do to determine whether The Fat Fook Moore is sincere or not is view his speeches on Trump before and after this one.

    A leopard can not and does not change its spots, likewise a tiger can not and does not change its stripes. Not that the fat fook Moore is comparable to either one of those majestic beasts. All the spots and the stripes do is hide the outline of the killer waiting in ambush as do the platitudes spewing from the mouth of a Marxist.

  6. What I see is that he is reading from a document, a small booklet. I suspect this is a clip edited out of a longer video of the entire presentation, and his entire speech or performance or whatever it was, well – I sincerely doubt this guy has done a complete 180 degree U turn. A leopard does not change its spots. A hate-filled fat guy with TDS does not suddenly “see the light”.

    Let him go on MSLSD, or sit with Joy Bayhorrible, or Mike and Slow Joe Skarburrow and discuss this new found perspective. Then I might start to believe it.

    And that’s all I will say about that.

  7. I remember this from before the 2016 election. What Moore and others like him don’t get is that they are now on the scrap heap of irrelevency.

  8. Moore I could not care less about, but I find it amusing that two comments here, with the same time stamps, use the phrase “A leopard does not change its spots.” It caught my eye because I’m currently reading a book titled “How the Leopard Changed Its Spots”. It’s a book on a contrarian theory of evolution. I’m updating my +/-30 year old course in molecular biology, asking the question “How much has changed since my long outdated textbook was written?” The general answer seems to be along the lines of “genetics is a whole LOT more complex than we ever thought.”

  9. That’s BS.. That nasty fat fu,*k never supported Trump. He’s a congenital moron leftist.

  10. 2016 or 2024 it doesn’t matter. Michael Moore is still a terrible person and 300 pounds of shit crammed into a 200-lb sack.

  11. Mikey likes it?

    I seriously doubt that, if something like this really DID occur, the Libtards would be all over him like ugly on a stick. Ain’t happenin’

    You trying to lead us down the garden path, Phil??

  12. This was sarcasm. It’s and old clip that, if allowed to play longer, would have ended with a different message. He was basically saying that the Bubba-Boobs were going to out-vote the smart people just because they got screwed over. Context is everything, and this clip is take out of context.

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