10 thoughts on “No Way!

  1. I’ve never found it all that tough to fold up a tarp. But fitted sheets? Yeah. Good thing there aren’t any women around to give me any crap about how those end up.

  2. The trouble with tarps is living in North Texas. Anything you do, and I mean anything, has to take into account a constant wind of minimum 20 and up to 60 mph with gusts in the spring going even higher. Go try to fold up a tarp in that shit sometime.

  3. Grampa had tarps. An 8′ X 10′ would Pin a five year old kid . If a guy could find the kinda material they were made of I doubt the price would be close to acceptable.. Which is why they are not around. Those plastic H.F. things are load covers so cops don’t pull ya over. Ohh, they work okay, for a while, but like pretty much everything, quality has gone to crap. It Is nice, though, knowing how to quickly fold my disposable POS plastic tarp so I can put it in a place out of UV ray range, and excessive temperature swings and wind and rain.
    Cue Lee Greenwood
    Ahm Prowd tuh bay UnAmerican..

  4. Fold a plastic tarp, create permanent weak spots.
    We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.
    All our tarps get rolled.
    And all our tarps are canvas.
    Green, it goes well with my eyes…

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