11 thoughts on “No shit!

  1. Dude 1: I bought my wife a diamond necklace and a BMW for Christmas.
    Dude 2: You can’t buy jewelry for your wife…they never like what you bought.
    Dude 1: That’s why I got her the BMW. So she can drive her new car to the jewelery store to exchange it for something she likes.
    Dude 2: I bought my old lady a vacuum and a dildo. That way, if she doesn’t like the vacuum, she can go fuck herself.

  2. chances are you get some half assed card with “I love you” in it.
    you know something they found at the dollar store.
    but YOU better get them something real nice. yeah, right.

  3. All I can say, gentlemen, is you probably should have been more choosy about your ‘life partner.’ I never got my husband socks or a card from the ‘dollar store.’ Plus, I never expected anything more elaborate for my birthday than him fixing one of his absolutely brilliant meatloaves because I can’t make a decent one to save me.

    • I make a killer meatloaf too! If I didn’t cook when I was married I would have starved and she would have ran up the McDonalds tab to sustain herself.

      • My younger brother was married to one of those for a while. When they got divorced her son cried because he was sure he was going to go hungry again. Bro gave him a cookbook and told him to learn to feed himself.

    • I learned to cook looooong before I got married. Scouting helped, I was always appointed Camp Cook because I didn’t burn the food and didn’t serve raw but slightly warmed food.

      My Wifey Unit makes the meatloaf, several variants of it, all good. She has me make the stuff I’m good at, otherwise I’m the “sous chef” to relieve her from some of the more tedious stuff of stuff she can’t do because of physical limitations (nothing serious, don’t worry…).

      I won the lottery with my Eternal Companion. The rest of you have my condolences.

      Neener. ;P

  4. Yeah, just going off of last year by cost, looking at Mother’s Day, Birthday, Christmas, I’m due at least 3 or 4 new firearms to level up to what I spent on her versus her on me. I mean, it’s all my money anyway, but still.

    And yeah, I got underwear and socks for Christmas. Oo-rah.

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