7 thoughts on “No Quarter

  1. Well now … da elmster would have to disagree (but only a little).

    Like that scene in Vikings, where they make the traitor king, taken prisoner. Think that he was going to escape, and be free.

    Only to stumble into his planned, S L O W agonizing, tortuous death.

    But for a moment? He actually thought he had escaped and was free.

    GREAT scene!

  2. If they stand behind you , give them protection.
    If they stand beside you , give them respect .
    If they stand against you, show no mercy.

  3. Wrong, a bad idea. They should be taken prisoners, under arrest, so that, after trial, their victims (all of us) can witness their slow suffering until a very public brutal death. After which their remains must be cremated, and the ashes flushed into a sewer.

    • There’s a reason why that was sort of a standard practice in ancient times, especially when they made the original perp witness it before being executed.

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