5 thoughts on “No different from an upside down flag signaling distress or an emergency.

  1. Isn’t an upside down cross a symbol of the devil?
    I don’t think pure evil is synonymous to being in distress.
    Though, being around the devil would certainly put you in distress.
    Just saying…..

    Whitehall, NY

  2. I am failing to understand this at all.

    And remember, Yeshua Ben Joseph, our Christ, was a Rabbi.

  3. And who is it that tells us He’s spending eternity boiling in a vat of shit?

    If only we could put a name to those “whos”. If only. But it’s one of those mysteries. I guess we’ll never know.

  4. “judeochristianity” = satanism

    “judeochristianity” is the inversion of christianity.

    “judeochristianity” is the clownworld promoted merger of judaism and christianity, two diametrically opposing religious doctrines. It is a jewish promoted fraud to scam american christians into supporting israel.

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