New Speaker

It appears Rep Mike Johnson, Republican of Louisiana has been voted in as House Speaker. I hope we can call him “Big” Johnson if he has a set of balls on him. I hope he does a few things we need, but not holding my breath; Release of J6 transcripts and videos, release of all the J6 POWs with an sincere apology and a right to sue the shit out of every politician, prosecutor, judge and cop that precipitated that fiasco. Investigate and impeach who needs impeaching, that is a good start.

11 thoughts on “New Speaker

  1. Looks like his first act. Like all the rest. Is to fellate Israel and send them more money we don’t have so they can war at will

    • First, learn punctuation. Period.
      Second, if the Squishy Leftards weren’t shoveling money to Ham-ass and giving money to The Great Terrorists (Iran), maybe we wouldn’t be in this quandary.
      Fourth, let’s not be shoveling money to those countries that hate us – they can do it for free (thanks to Sen. Kennedy for that one…)!!

      The Leftards Legisltators and Barking Heads are squawking about the choice, there’s hope yet.

  2. I don’t think he has the authority to release the J6 political prisoners, but he sure as hell does with the tapes.

  3. Story I read elsewhere indicated that McCarthy has been maneuvering in the backrooms of CONgress to regain power, since the very day he was removed. That’s the main reason that all of the previous candidates for Speaker couldn’t get the votes. Gotta wonder about this new guy. Anyone EVER heard this guy’s name mentioned anywhere in the press before today? Yeah, didn’t think so.

    To the new guy’s credit, he forwarded a week by week agenda for moving spending bills forward. Of course, Bitch and Shmuckie have already joined forces to thwart the House’s agenda via the Senate.
    Bitch, Schmuckie and the rest of the RINO’s and Demonrats in the Senate need to go the way of the Dodo. Two senile old fucks that should have been retired a long time ago.

    Lovely government we have here.

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