6 thoughts on “Need to go back to this.

  1. I put together some questions for our elected idiots/criminals that I got off of TL Davis’ latest.

    “Dear Senator,

    I’ve copied some questions that have been circulating around the internet and other circles, and would love to hear your answers to these important questions.

    1-Why is Congress silent and idle concerning the horrendous physical and mental abuses of J6 protestors in a Washington, D.C. gulag and the ongoing violation of their Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights?

    2-Why do those in Congress who support the slaughter in Ukraine using the excuse of “protecting democracy” continue to use that excuse as Zelensky suspends elections, closes opposition news outlets in Ukraine, outlaws opposing political parties, raids churches and arrests priests? Exactly what democracy are those of you protecting?

    3-Why has Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkus, and Merrick Garland, not been impeached?

    4- Why is it more important for the US to fund border protection in foreign countries than protecting our own borders?

    5- The average annual salary for congress is $109,909. You maintain a residence in your home state and in Washington and travel in between. How did you become a multimillionaire?

    6-With 60+% of the people, Republicans, Independents and Democrats, recognizing that some form of cheating or election interference took place in the 2020 and 2022 elections with 66% of the people anticipating election interference to play a part in the 2024 election, why isn’t election integrity being pursued by anyone? Why is this expectation of foul play not dangerous to “democracy?”

    7-If the World Reserve Currency is an important part of why the US can run historically high debt to GDP ratios, why is the recent de-dollarization not being addressed at any level? Especially when nearly 75% of the people wanted debt reduction as part of the debt limit increase negotiations, 25% of which did not want an increase in the debt limit even with debt reduction, but the people got neither. Why are you not demanding accountability?

    8-NPR reported that 73% of Americans, obviously bi-partisan, believe that the amount of illegal immigrants coming across the border is a problem. With over six million illegals entering the US since Joe Biden took office, why is this bi-partisan concern not being addressed by both sides of the House and/or Senate? Why is there no concern expressed about the amount of drugs and sex trafficking that occurs as a result of the border issues in either house of congress?

    9-With all of the recent admissions of the FDA and CDC considering the danger of the Covid 19 vaccine, why is it still being prescribed? Why does the House and Senate continue to turn a blind eye to the health concerns of citizens it has been shown are growing more and more skeptical of the medical profession and the efficacy of vaccines in general, some that might be causing SIDS, Autism and Myocarditis?

    10-Are you aware that all solar and wind initiatives are still incapable of providing more than 30% of demand, even if running at full capacity? That they are still unavailable at all 68% of the time? Why does the government subsidize this massive expenditure without any accountability for increased power generation, the lack of which will soon cause great harm to the people?

    Thank you for your time,”

    I know I’ll probably get one of those classy form letters in reply, but anything we can do at this point to piss them off or scare them can’t hurt.
    They need to know that we know.

    • Consider it sent to my useless Senator who is overpaid and underworked and living in la-la land.

  2. and as far as housing goes, make them all live in one of the army bases around there. cut the cars/limo crap and make them take the bus to “work” .
    cut the bennies for the staff/inlaws to almost nothing !
    all bank accounts and stock info must be in the open for ALL TO SEE.
    set the A/C to 80 degrees in summer and 65 in winter- they all like being green, right ? all food serviced will be the same as serviced to the troops in mess halls.
    healthcare will be done by the VA or you pay for it YOURSELF.
    put them all on the “clock”. YES. clock in to work and out when you leave for the day. no more private jets/planes anywhere inside the states. unless you pay for it
    yourself. there a few more but I can think of them right now.

  3. Another thing that needs to happen is dilute the power of the reps.

    Based on the number of citizens each Representative represented 250 years ago, there should be over 50,000 US Representatives. It would make it hard to buy power and influence the congress.

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