I am VERY remiss in not getting this out sooner.
I was recently gifted some very cool swag from Millerized. If you are of the Patriot Persuasion, he should need no more introduction.
A very cool and VERY talented guy.
He sent me some customized Bottle Openers that he engraved with the BustedKnuckles.net logo.

He told me they don’t cost a whole bunch and it doesn’t take him very long to knock them out.
I didn’t really notice the extra K in Bustednuckles until after I emailed him my thanks but that’s fine, it’s very common for people to not notice that I spell it a bit different and thankfully he just sent me a few samples.
Damn nice of him to even think about me in the first place.
I am quite honored!
He has an engraving business and he makes custom guitar stands but he says he can do custom engraving on just about any dang thing.
Here is a small sample of his guitar stands.

This is what he says he can do,
” Engraving nearly anything anyone can think of. Motorcycle parts, firearms, cutlery. Hell, did a Marine officers sword many years ago.”
So if you have something you would like to doll up with some custom engraving, Miller is your guy!
I’m still toying with the idea of ordering a batch of these bottle openers, they are really pretty inexpensive but it’s the giant can of worms of mailing them out that is causing me to hold my fire.
It’s not like I don’t already have a thousand things clamoring for my time.
But anyway,
Thanks again Millerized, sorry it took me so long to give you the Shout Out you deserve for thinking about me and for being a Stand Up Guy.
(Lol, pun not intended)
Very cool.
I never noticed the k was missing
You can ship ’em to CederQ and he can do the heavy lifting when it comes to mailing them out.
Besides, he doesn’t have much to do anyway…
I have a lot to do Igor, jump to conclusions, run a rumor, hopscotch to indiscretion, ride the anxiety whirlpool, and finally judge the miscreants that inhibit this hallowed blog…
hey whatever works. met a guy years ago who made custom corn hole boards.
he was getting like 200 bucks a board back then, about 10 or more years ago
just knocking them out in his garage like. was looking at drill presses
I explain to him what he wanted was a radial drill press for what he was doing
nice kid, he was in his 20’s. he said he was making 4-6 boards a month
I just told him cash is king. never take checks as they will bring the IRS to your door. hope he is okay, like I said, he was a nice kid. and making money in the garage too. don’t see many like that these days.
although, I would think if you had a website selling your stuff, you better have the damn IRS forms done.
Excuse my ignorance Dave, what is a “corn hole board?” Not what gestates in my feverish, demented mind…
Game is sorta like horseshoes but with bean bags tossed at an angled board with a hole in the center. Actually a pretty fun game for the backyard for family fun and barbecues. Kids can play since the bags don’t weigh much and won’t knock their teeth out.
But lawn darts is more exciting.
Shit, I didn’t even notice the fuckup on my part. Guess I’ll have to get you some more done correctly.
You can give those to ‘friends and family’ you don’t want coming to the site, ‘that’ cousin, or ‘that’ judge/lawyer.
Shit…I’m an idiot. Shoot me the addy again, we spell them right this time.
DUDE!, don’t even worry about it!
I would wager 98% of the folks who come here never notice that.
I am just tickled more than you will ever really know just realizing you think enough of us here to do it in the first place!
It’s all good!