He is a good man and a good friend.
Some day we will be able to embarrass ourselves properly at some serious function.
Meme swiped from Non Original Rants.
I’m tellin’ ya, there is always an impressive collection posted over there.
He is a good man and a good friend.
Some day we will be able to embarrass ourselves properly at some serious function.
Meme swiped from Non Original Rants.
I’m tellin’ ya, there is always an impressive collection posted over there.
I have a pal like that. One afternoon, we were changing a windshield out. Pal was in cockpit with my dumb ass outside. We started talking like a couple of retards that were fixin to screw. Belly grabbing and tear running HeeHaw! People were coming out of the hangar offices to see what the hell. Good times.
Can you just imagine what it would be like if ALL of us readers got together, you Ladies included?
They’d have to call out the National Guard to quell/put down the disturbances!
We’d be a target rich environment and might get assaulted by trannies, like the National Guard. Oh, wait….
You all are obviously culturally brainwashed by the demented society that you are living in to even be saying that. I came out of the woods to go and bury my dad. It has been pretty much a full year since I’ve seen a tv. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on the thing. Almost every commercial break was an add for the fags to just pop a pill and keep butt slapping with no worries about spreading their hiv. Frigging guys kissing and whatnot. The queers and the nogs are running the show and in complete control.
Come up here and have your party. I promise you that unless someone gets killed there won’t be anyone giving you any trouble. I don’t know how you’re all still functioning to be honest with you.
First thing, it’s good to see you again. Second, you have my sincerest condolences on your Father’s passing. I know it wasn’t unexpected but it is still very hard to come to grips with when it finally hits.
Third, Now you see what we have been putting up with. It is completely off the rails, over the cliff and down in the canyon at this point
Buddy here flew down south to visit his parents for a couple weeks. Flew to Portland to pick up a new F250 and drive back here. We had never discussed Portland before. He got the truck and left the dealership and was on the phone calling me and was in complete shock over the freak show. I told him I was somewhat familiar with the situation there from your blog. He arrived here late afternoon and we literally spent 4 hours talking about what we had both witnessed over the period of the last couple weeks.
The entire time I was gone I kept thinking if the bottom falls out and I’m stuck here, I’m going to be so pissed off. I hated saying goodbye to my mother, but I couldn’t get back here fast enough.
It’s been good to see you again, Ray-Ray. Thanks for stopping by Atlanta and giving your Tank a right good tune up!
That CederQ raciss wouldn’ lets me post to y’all.
Well, a heartfelt hello! I was hoping you would start posting! I missed ya buddy! My condolence’s and sadness of your fathers passing. He sounded like a good man. I have been under the weather with some flu croup and not much on. I missed you last night, I was in bed at 9PM and I got up at 9:30 this morn, I just don’t sleep like that and I have been doing that for a the last few days. I waiting with anticipation for your phone call. A lot to catch up on.
You’re absolutely right Deathray, but I’m not going to sit around pissing and moaning about things I cannot change.
And a healthy dose of twisted humor is more important than breakfast, especially if we’re going to survive the next (?) years.
It’d be a fairly quiet affair, Igor, as I don’t think the ICE would let me into the country!
Oh, wait, I could always roll up my trouser legs and wade the Rio Grande at El Paso. I’d like to shop at El Paso Saddlery, I’ve seen illustrations of their fine gunleather.
No you would not, I am not bashful, nor filters apply if warranted.
It’s not an Army formal dinner until someone on the top table stands up and orders you to get out.