30 thoughts on “My next dog…

  1. Keep it out of my yard, away from me my family & my dog & you can have 20 but I will dispatch it if it ever comes near me. Their useless unless you are doing ballistic tests.

  2. I’ve owned a few and they can be some of the best dogs. They were expensive, well bread dogs too.

    I’d never own another though. There’s a hidden switch in them and you never know what’s gonna flip it.

  3. Agreed.

    The idiots that argue for pit bull bans are no different from the morons pushing handgun bans. The dogs get a bad rap for the same reasons guns do…noggers.

    And – if I ever see you shooting dogs that aren’t a clear and immediate threat to you – YOU are gonna get shot too.

    • Because they had been taken down and reemerged with a different URL and I nor Phil haven’t changed the link, to be forthright I don’t care, one of the few blogs I don’t peruse as offers very little but links and same old, same old. If Phil feels the need to change it then so be it. I am not going to bother.

  4. Had a pit/beagle mix that was rescued from a life of being a bait dog for a dogfighting operation. You can guess who was running the operation.

    Turned out to be one of the most even tempered, gentle dogs I have ever seen.

  5. I cry “Bullshit”! Tell that to my mother-in-law that got jumped while delivering flowers.

    • The next morning a guy in his early 50s was killed by them in his driveway. Anton, Tx. in 2023. Town so little and dried up they don’t have cops. Only sheriffs dept. No bs.

  6. How many children have they killed, is it worth it.

    There’s a reason I like dogs better’n people, they have a place but not near kids.

  7. had a red nose pit. long story why. anyway. he was a very good dog. I never let anyone play “fetch” with him. didn’t want him to chase anything or anyone.
    but he was great with kids, any kids and most people. he stayed with my one brother for 2 weeks and that was it. he became his dog. anyway. lived a good life
    kept my brother safe and the dog was protective as hell. I never heard him growl
    until he was staying with my brother and some assholes where going by.
    the dogs get a bad rap when 9/10 of time it is the owners fault.
    not a dog for everyone for sure, but in the right hands they are great dogs.
    he did change my mind about them. problem is too many assholes get them and try like hell to make them mean as hell. seen a lot of that in philly !
    I knew it was past time to leave when I had to “check” the yard and ally way for
    baited treats that somehow got over the fence. more than once I found hot dogs
    that smelled of anti freeze there. and I had to do that before I let the dogs out.
    guess who did shit like that ?

  8. German shepherd is the breed. I’ve had heelers,labs, rots and wimmerimers and one pit mix. Shepherds are the ones. Have 3 and everyone in the house is safe

  9. God gave man dominion over all the animals. Believe it or not, they look to us for guidance. I’ve never met a dog that I was afraid of, or that was afraid of me after our initial introduction. We currently have five wonderfully friendly dogs in the household. Four are strays or pound rescues. The most affectionate of the group is an American lab/pit bull mix. We found her at nearby kill shelter, just in time before she was scheduled to be put down. She happily guards the property at night, but will lick you endlessly if you’re willing to stay put!

  10. I’ve had 3 pit bulls and all 3 were very unpredictable. One minute they’re as harmless as a teddy bear and for know reason I could determine, they go crazy and want to kill anything living in their site. I had one who bit a chunk of rubber out of one of my truck tires. You go ahead and believe what you want to about that breed, but I think they are dangerous. You can’t get home owners insurance where I live if you own one. I think that breed should be outlawed. They were bred to be fighting dogs and in my opinion they all carry that instinct and you never know when it’s going to show up.

  11. Those pits get so much bad publicity every time they eat a kid, a random person in the neighborhood or their owner… it’s just sad.
    They should get the same publicist Labrador Retrievers have, you never hear of them running loose and killing people…

    Gosh, maybe Labs don’t kill their owners?

  12. Unfortunately the mass breeding of some breeds has accentuated the wrong qualities. There are some breeds to stay away from.
    For anyone considering any dog, you need to ask yourself whether you will be able to confidently keep that dog under voice control at all times.
    If not, get a fuckin poodle.

  13. I have had dogs my entire life. But is the one breed I would never allow in my home. There is a reason that they are listed as 1 of the 5 most dangerous breeds of dogs out there. Had a gorgeous pit that kept showing up in my yard. I fed her while I waiting for the animal control each time. Finally found the back story. She was a show dog and the owner turned her over to a brother with a child who kept letting her out. They really didn’t want her back. She now with a family in another state that raises pit’s. She’s retired and their family pet.

  14. There is no shortage of research out there that proves that certain races, that tend to inbreed (to keep the money and power in the family) tend to be violent, irrational and unpredictable. Huh, wonder who that might be.

  15. Was recently attacked by 2 of these dogs while walking my dog/ Luckily I was able to STAB both of them with my Buck. Killed one, the other one was put down. Broke my dogs jaw and lacerated her neck. Cost over $5k to fix her. I now carry my gun and I will drop any Pit that gets within 5feet of me!

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