7 thoughts on “My kind of people…

  1. yup. it is also the reason why the Brits have had them in the front line in every war.
    as the Germans said in WW1 “ladies from hell”
    BTW, I have more Scot than Irish in me.

  2. And what do you get when you combine a Scotsman with a Fraulein? Bat-shit crazy! One great-uncle killed himself, one great-aunt spent 55 years in the nut-house, Grandma made it with a lot of pampering by Grandpa, an aunt did two tours in the nut-house before she decided to keep her shit together and my cousin ended up in assisted living because she wouldn’t take her meds on her own. What a legacy!

  3. I spit up on my keyboard!

    Q. What do you call two Scots walking in the same direction?
    A. An invasion!

    I have a copy of ‘Highlander: The History of the Legendary Highland Soldier’ by Tim Newark somewhere around here. It’s a good read.

  4. Clan Dunbar REPRESENT!

    REMEMBER: Twelve highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion!

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