My How Times Have Changed

Not for the better in my opinion.

Hitting a woman is a big No No in my book.

Apparently I’m old fashioned that way.

I bet she thinks twice before doing that again though.

I have absolutely no idea what was said there.

27 thoughts on “My How Times Have Changed

  1. I’ve never hit a woman, but oh god, how I’ve been tempted. When they don’t act like a lady, they open themselves up to be slapped. When I came so close to hitting my ex wife, I got a divorce instead.

  2. That’s a cunt…not a woman. If a cunt slaps me, get ready to hear the sound of one hand clapping! These piss tubes do not get an pass!

  3. Telling she protects her charms on the floor than the bruise on her face that will become obvious in do time… Yes a cunt.

  4. Ladies don’t get hit. Ladies also don’t act like cunts.

    But the rules are off as soon as she lands a blow.

    In the South, there are two types of women. Ladies and whores.

    This twatwaffle? She could have said anything and been okay. Her one mistake, as we saw, was to get physical.

    All she did was prove that women are no match for men, especially a man that is double the weight of a woman.

    FAFO indeed.

    • Agreed.
      I’ve bounced a bars and underground clubs back in the day.
      Words are words.
      Ladies, no matter how skanky, as long as they behaved, never got hit.
      Stab me with a fork? Punch me? Shoot at me? Try to kick the Jones Twins? All rules are off.
      I always used the minimum amount of force needed. But sometimes an ass whooping is the only thing that’s understood. 😁

  5. I heard both German & Russian. Probably a sex worker not paid. All scum. Pimp wants more, and she is sadly trapped. These are the wages of sin.

    I wouldn’t hit a woman either, but these days, how can you tell?

    • I think you’re right. She’s not very old, only woman in a bar. Scared and acting big and tough. She wasn’t shocked at getting hit, so it wasn’t the first time.

      The usual are delighting in calling her cunt and whore. She probably is a sex worker, young and stupid in a bad situation.

      There are a LOT of obese, tatted, strangely hair-dyed bitches in America today that richly deserve an ass-kicking. I sometimes yearn to deliver one myself. But that little girl just makes me sad.

  6. Once upon a time back in the big 80’s when I was a single guy carousing around Atlanta I was in this nightclub called “Studebakers” sitting with my back to the bar just taking in the scene. A bunch of girls were sitting in a booth getting loud and rowdy so a bouncer went over to tell them to calm down. One girl took a swing at the bouncer that he stepped back out of and then came back in with a hard right cross to the jaw and knocked her unconcious. I was looking right at them. They carried her out and handed her to the cops outside and everyone got on with the evening.

  7. An actual woman doesn’t start a fight with a man and strike him. Once that happens she lost all right to expect to expect treatment as a woman . She started it, he ended it. She’s lucky to have her teeth.

    • I learned the same thing, Dan. A woman carries herself with poise and comportment.

      Ya wanna start with the slapping or fisticuffs? Be prepared to meet Mr. Right. Fist.

      Exceptions certainly can be made for leches and other lowlife, and slapping a pimp is NOT out of bounds – but be prepared for the backlash!

  8. Whatever was said, she turned toward the man and raised her arms then hit him, effectively saying do it, have to agree with Beans and Dan, she brought this on herself.

  9. Equal rights, equal fights.

    I won’t hit a lady. Huge difference between a lady and a woman, just as there is between a gentleman and some dude. Women are fair game, same as anyone else who barks up the wrong tree.

    The fact that we let women get away with so much of this kind of shit for so long is one of the reasons we’re in the mess we’re in.

  10. Calling his mother a whore before walking towards him and slapping him indicates that she clearly doesn’t fall into the categoryof lady, apart from ‘lady of the night’.

  11. I have some rather fast reactions. call it growing in gang land philly or time spent in the army. anyway, back in 1991 while working at HUP. had this “girl” who was into
    karate bigtime and she kept bugging me about what I knew.
    one night she threw a decent roundhouse kick at my head out of the blue.
    didn’t end well for her. I just thank GOD there where others there that saw that she started it. never saw her again after they took her ass to the ER.
    and the other staff where a lot nicer to me afterwards.
    play stupid games, win stupid prizes

  12. Dad always told me, “Never hit a woman unless she hits you first.”
    My wife of 46 years hit me once when we were in our early 20’s. She never did it again.

    Evil Franklin

  13. She absolutely asked for it. Nice to see he gave it to her. Bitches think they can get away with anything. Nope. Good for him.

  14. I’m all for equal rights. If a woman wants to play at being a man, she should be willing to accept the consequences. I don’t know any women that can match the strength of a man when it comes to a physical contest. I have worked side by side women for 30 years throughout my careers as military and a firefighter. Most women I have worked with have incredible cardio stamina, but lack strength when it comes time to get the heavy work done.

    Men, don’t lie to your daughters and tell them they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. Don’t tell them that they can compete with men because it just ain’t so. A woman complements a man and vice versa, but a woman cannot compete physically.

  15. Maybe bitchin’ about the toilet seat. He explained it has a hinge on it and she should learn how to operate it. She retaliates, hilarity follows. Seriously though, don’t start none & there won’t be none.

  16. Couple of years ago I bounced at the biggest club in Pensacola when I was 56-57.
    There were a few women who FAFO. You play big boy games and put on the big boy pants, your ass will wake up wondering what the hell happened.

  17. My Dad taught me that you never hit a woman first. I was about 10. He continued, “but if she hits you first, knock sparks off her ass”.
    When the inevitable happened, a girl hit me & I hit her back, the principal (this is rural TN) was berating me about how it’s always wrong to hit a female. I replied that that was not what my Dad told me. He asked what he DID tell me, & I repeated it verbatim.
    Dad had to take off work, come to the school, & inform the principal to his face that yes, he damned sure did say that, & that furthermore his son (me) was NOT going to have any trouble over the incident. This was about 1975.
    My Dad was a damned good man.

  18. Non-sense, when a women lays hands like that, you just entered a man’s world. Women knew this, thats why they were treated chivalrously. FAFO!

  19. I got sucker punched by women more than once bouncing at bars in Boston when I was a yoot. Generally it was in the middle of me dropping and bum rushing her BF for smacking her around in the barroom… and there’s Section 8 Stacy punching me in the back of the neck while I have her boyfriend hoisted by his belt and his collar on the way to the door. Because it’s Boston, land of leftists and lawsuits even then, a Projects Punching Bag with hair was best handled by 2 of us, one bear hugging the girl and the other to grab her legs when she started kicking. Squeezing the fight and air out of them was pretty much the only way to make peace, but it always left me smelling like Parliments and stale booze.

  20. Ninety-nine percent of females are interchangeable and disposable.
    The one percent will seek and discover a good man… and be loyal and respectful.

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