6 thoughts on “My God! I’m Married To A Right Wing Extremist!

  1. I believe it will come down to cheating by the Dems or they will try to assassinate Trump. In either case this will set off CW2.

    • I am so confused by the American-psyche … for justifiable reasons. First and foremost, there is a sizeable proportion of you (with guns) who are very well aware that the Administration is totally bloody corrupt and yet you grin-and-bare it, while waiting for the next corrupted election or selection really. WTF is preventing a well-armed, well coordinated group of genuine red-blooded patriots from literally ‘storming-le-barricades’ and performing citizens-arrests on the criminals who are illegally running your parliament? Waiting for elections just leaves the buggers who stole the last one, more time to steal everything, while they’re still holding the reins, or pretending to.
      Come on ‘cobbers’, whinging and griping about the mess is not fixing anything. Todd Callender has stacks of evidence to prove that none of the bastards in the Dems Party signed their ‘Oaths of Office’ documentation anyway. So man-handling them out of the Ivory-Tower is sort of a civic-duty for the entire country. So, in other words, the current crop of Dems pretending to be the governing party are quite literally bloody impostors with no legal entitlement to be there. And one suspects that the reason that they haven’t completed the Oath-of-Office documentation – is so that they have left a little loop-hole for themselves if and when the SHTF for all their Ukraine, Israeli largess, i.e. pretending to give BILLIONS of American’s hard-earned, to those to countries while knowing that the money was being laundered via the normal DoD, etc channels.

  2. Trump isn’t going to win. The left stole the election in 2020 and got away with it. They will do it again this year…and they will get away with it again. The left ACTS. Our side just pisses and moans….and cancels anyone who advocates actually DOING SOMETHING. We are our own worst enemy and deserve what’s coming.

    • Yeah, I am pretty freakin sick of the GOP’s “we better than that” attitude. If the left wants a street fight, I say we give it to them.
      And have a cold beer when we are done.

  3. “My God! I’m Married To A Right Wing Extremist!”

    Your husband has a JOB?
    Leave him

  4. Rump will be selected and they will crash the economy so he will have to sit there and suck on it while the peoples will exclaim to the goobermint “save us,save us”

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