My Condolences To The Chinese Communist Party …

On the loss of one of their most powerful weapons ever used to subvert the

United States of America.

Fuck her and Fuck You Commie Fucking Bastards.

Say hello to that other treasonous piece of shit John McCain while you are down there bitch.

Oh, by the way, all those guns you kept trying to take away from us?

Still got ’em bitch.

Buh Bye!

18 thoughts on “My Condolences To The Chinese Communist Party …

  1. I’m not going to dance on anyone’s grave, and this just means that a younger, more extreme communist will take her place. And THAT is nothing to cheer about.

  2. The most damning thing to say anout her is this: She was and will always be irrelevant. We’ve reached the point where Senators are just colored block seat fillers that vote for or against legislation written by consultants and lobbyists. You could leave her embalmed corpse in office or relace her with one of her cats and have the same effect of whatever mindless party drone they put in her place. Unless and until we repreal the 17th amendment the Senate is just a rubber stamp. It’s amazing to see someone whose job performance is not affected by dying.

    • I’m pretty sure The Devil DOES want “it”.

      And he’s welcome to her.

      Hey. look at all the old friends she’s meeting again…

  3. and if there was a just and fair God. a lot more worthless assholes would join her
    down there.
    sometimes I wonder if old Vlad is waiting until all the assholes get together and hit
    them then. like maybe take out the whole of the Davos assholes and what scum is left in DC. or maybe enough people will wake up and we will have a redo of the old
    French way of clearing out the assholes. one of these days, people will start to realize just how bad a few people have fucked them over for years. I do hope to live long enough to see it happen. but I do have my doubts as most people are really stupid when you come right down to it. old George was right about that part.

  4. The death of this POS won’t hurt the Chinese one bit. Good old Gov. GrabEm Nuisance will appoint another good commie as a replacement. In fact I have no doubt he’s consulting with the DNC and their bosses in Beijing as I type this on who a good replacement might be.

  5. If there is a hell, she’s probably being forced to dress like Trump and have a flaming pineapple shoved up her ass.
    The devil would be laughing his red ass off.

  6. If …i find myself in california again…
    I’m gonna water her flowers and leave a steamer.
    Thats her worth

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