Must Watch Interview

This is a clipped out section of an hour plus interview with Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, who is a former State Department diplomat who specialized in international communications and information technology matters.

Well worth the listen, he describes how the intelligence Blob figured out how to use censorship and the social media platforms to sway the overthrow of the Ukrainian government back in 2014 and then turned that against us Americans.

This is where the censorship of Twitter, Facebook and all of the internet began and where the CIA, FBI etc. began inserting their agents into these organizations, claiming “National Security” issues.

The guy is wicked smart and it is a fascinating interview.

This could be one of the most important videos you will ever see.

8 thoughts on “Must Watch Interview

  1. He like others is just telling us what he did. It is nowadays all in our face because they know the end result and that they are just useful idiots.

  2. They think They will be spared. The ones they obey while they’re wrecking their own country will put them on the wall first, because they can’t be trusted.

  3. He’s full of it. Nothing happened until Yanukovych refused to sign the EU agreement he promised his country he would sign. Instead, he was going to sign an agreement with Moscow which would have placed them back under Moscow’s thumb. The Ukrainian people had been there before and were having none of it. Yanukovych ordered the killings on the Maidan, and rather than stand trial for his acts, he ran for asylum to his puppet master. By doing so, he abandoned his office.

    Benz is taking credit for things he did not do.

  4. Kernels of truth wrapped in a huge conspiracy theory. It’s called ‘framing’. He’s a propaganda expert. That’s what they do. The US and the EU made no secret of supporting the opposition in Ukraine just like Putin makes no secret of supporting Trump, Farage and LaPen.
    Russia signed a treaty promising to respect Ukrainian borders if Ukraine gave Russia it’s nukes. Ukraine kept it’s side of the bargain.

  5. Sharp guy.

    It’s not Russia or Putin interfering with news dissemination and who controls the majority of U.S. and global news or who interferes with our elections via social media manipulation. Just who could it be now? I’ll leave it there.

    • I dunno, who?
      [scratching my head with a bovine expression of dim-witted confusion here]
      It’s a real puzzler, that is. If only someone could “name the Who”. Oh well, I guess we’ll never know. ☹️

  6. Most humans are non-player-characters, and do whatever the mainstream media tells them to do. The concept of voting is completely bogus, as most humans don’t make their own decisions about political and moral topics.

    The mainstream media has been programming subjects to act against their interests, forever. That’s why Egyptian taxpayers wasted all that tax money building pyramids. That’s what the was about. That’s why Galileo was deplatformed. Modern chimpanzees lie; political lies to advantage rulers are older than the human species.

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