6 thoughts on “Must have been a karen…

    • Ahem… I’m feeling a fight coming on. Bad coffee is made at 7 am and not consumed until 5 pm. Perhaps reheated three times.

      • That sounds like Dad’s and BIL’s description of US Navy boiler-room coffee. They were building a shed, and by the end of the day, that pot of coffee had been re-percolating several times. They were reminiscing about how their coffee tasted, just like the stuff they’d had while in the Navy.  It looked pretty vile to me as a kid.

  1. Actually, it was the only cup of coffee she ever had, therefore, it was also the Best cup of coffee she ever had!

  2. Sorry, all y’all, I just can’t get worked up about coffee, bad or good. Save myself a BUNCH of money, too!

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