10 thoughts on “Mother’s Day Stump, what is it?

  1. It reminds me of “tatting shuttles” my mother used to have. She made many edgings for towels and other such items as presents for friends over the years. I seem to remember that the origin of “tatting” was from sailors who repaired sails and nets and such.

  2. Badly maintained bobbin shuttles. The center piece, a thick wire or narrow rod, holds a long bobbin that you load on a mechanical bobbin loader, or by hand if you suck.

    Reason they’re badly maintained is they are rusty. No self-respecting weaver would allow rusty crap near their work.

    • Don’t you watch the junk shows, I mean, pickers shows?

      That’s not rust. It’s PATINA!

      Makes it more valuable to the suckers!

  3. The movie “Wanted” I believe. Snatch the shuttle cock from the machine.

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