More Kabuki Theater

McCarthy is out as Speaker of the House.

They ALL hate Gaetz already so now they will be out for blood over this.

The MAGA rebels split on the vote, the Democrats are loving the chaos in the Republican ranks and all the rest of us are just going to continue to get fucked in the ass no matter what happens.

Maybe someone can tell me why I should get wound up about any of this bullshit because I don’t see any reason to.

23 thoughts on “More Kabuki Theater

  1. Rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic is quite appropriate. Unfortunately, the replacement isn’t likely to be any better than McCarthy. The few that would likely do a descent job as speaker don’t want it.

  2. Yep, no sense in getting wound up over any of this shit until all the dust settles and we see if anything at all really changes. Personally I don’t see the unitparty and entrenched admin state changing one whit unless “The Donald” actually gets elected. THAT will shake things up but good. Is it possible? Dunno, too much chaff and smoke in the air and it’s going to get worse, much worse as we approach Nov. 2024. Stay calm, cool and collected, let everyone else go hysterical so long as it is not in the immediate vicinity.

  3. Chaos is our friend – it reveals to the world how feckless & paralyzed government is. The sooner it crashes, the better for all concerned.

  4. Bwahahahahahahahaha gasp wheeze Bwahahahahahahahaha

    That smug b*st*rd McCarthy got his ass handed to him, finally and rightfully so. Gaetz and the others told McCarthy they were going to hold his feet to the fire. I guess McCarthy thought they were bluffing. ‘Course the MSM and one “conservative” TV outlet, Newsmax, are blaming Gaetz, saying that this is “the end of his career”. Doubtful.

    I saw McCarthy on TV a couple hours ago lying like a Demonrat about how he didn’t break every promise he made to the conservative caucus during his election. McCarthy didn’t deliver crap. The biggest promise he broke was not delivering “regular order” on spending bills, thus the stop gap bill which was passed last week. Same old, same old BS from the DC swamp.

    It took him how many months just to allow THE START of the Impeachment Inquiry, when information on Bribem’s corruption has been floating around in public almost since the day Bribem was sworn in, with new revelations coming almost daily?

    If Pelosi was still Speaker and there was a Republican President with these revelations against him, she’d have had him Impeached, convicted in the Senate and they’d be piping light to whoever it was by now. McCarthy? Not so much.

    Then there was the revelation, which McCarthy is denying, that he made a side deal with the Demonrats on more Ukraine funding in the new spending bill they have to come up with in 42 days.

    Now that McCarthy is out, expect a .gov shut down around the first of December. Then expect the dindu riots to start when their EBT cards don’t have any money for crab legs and fillet minion and they can’t make their Escalade payments or buy gas for those monsters. Those riots will be quickly followed by all of the illegals rioting when their Welfare beni’s aren’t topped up right before Christmas.

    All by design to allow marshal law.

    I know this is wishful thinking, but maybe a whole bunch of illegals will self deport when they can’t buy food and they get tossed onto the street because the eagle won’t sh*t any more free money to pay their hotel bills.

    We can only hope.

    …and to top it all off, we had two murders by gunshot, two people killed by another, all three white(and not Hispanic white) and an armed car jacking all in the last week or so in my city. So my little corner of the world, in one of the safest states in the country, is a little less safe now and things haven’t even begun to spin up yet. The murderer is behind bars and so is the hijacker. The hijacker sped up the highway to another medium sized city, exited the highway when the cops caught up to him and crashed the stolen vehicle right in front of that city’s police station. So there is a little justice there.

  5. same shit show, different day. it’s like a soap opera, As the Stomach Turns.
    tune in tomorrow for the next episode.

  6. I understand that, as always, Damnthosecrats were UNANIMOUS in voting him out, so it is all on THEM.

  7. This episode of the House Kabuki Theater is brought to you by the letter “D”.

    “D” for distraction. Something else is going on.

  8. With you on that one. Congress is just a bunch of sold out special interest representatives most of whom could not hold down a real job if they wanted to and all the legislation is written by corporate PACs and lobbyists. They just vote they way they are told.

  9. Meanwhile Nancy’s J6 political prisoners sit in jail.

    For that alone, “Nancy Pelosi Lite” McCarthy should have been shitcanned.

  10. it used to be that people looked at me funny when I would say, I wish old Vlad would drop a nuke on DC. funny, other people tend to agree with me now a days.
    like the man said a while back 90% of them should be making plates in prison.
    and how or why are they allowed to make changes in their pay by themselves ?
    fuck that shit. we the people should decide how much they get paid.

  11. Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas said he intends to nominate former President Donald Trump for speaker of the House

  12. I’ve seen some comments/rumors that there was some under-the-table stuff regarding how much additional Grift was to be set aside for (((zelensy))) and the nah-zees in “the” Ukraine. All of them are Corrupt, and this kind of Open Dispute among Criminals means that they are no longer Unified in their Plans…

    I told someone yesterday, how much I’m Enjoying this; Watching the Fall of the Roman Empire, but with Wi-Fi. I’ve told My Horse that he needs to Run for a Senate Seat. He just Snorts and steps on My Foot.

    • At least the Romans elected the entire horse to their Senate.
      We make do with just the back half.

  13. yup. I have a feeling it will not be long now before it all goes to shit.
    not going to be pretty by any means. just remember who did this to us.
    they have to pay for what they have done.

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