Turdeau has been playing footsie for a long time now with the ChiComs. A very significant amount of fentanyl, and its precursor chemicals, have been coming over our northern border as a result. I’ve no doubt that a fair number of PLA military aged men have also quietly entered, much like our southern border. BC has been heavily inoculated with such, from what I’ve heard. The only problem with a few of those anti American cartoons is that they probably don’t reflect the attitudes of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.
Having been in northern Quebec, I can personally vouch that the Indians up there despise the French. However, the battle space needs more preparation – clean house here and start advertising to the disaffected areas.
Heck, use the CIA for what they seem to be practiced at, to whit a color revolution in the parts of Canada we want and that want to join us. Offer the buggers amnesty if they can pull it off…
With the obvious exception of ‘the good ones” who have their minds right but who are stuck up there for whatever reason, the Canadians running their country (into the ground) and all the NPC’s who follow and support them, can kiss our asses. For too long Canada was an ally of convenience, economically exploiting our relationship to their benefit.
Furthermore, they have far too many leftist natives, who are just as misinformed and malignant as the upper middle class shitlib whites in the US, and their ideas are sure to sink the place, as will the same sort of people here in America destroying our economy, government and everything else they touch. They all need to feel some real pain to change their defective thinking.
Canada is fucked. Those of us who didn’t get the covid vaxx, who would never vote for Justin, who own thunder sticks and think highly of our American cousins, are on our own.
Everyone I am in contact with is hunkering down, checking their preps, and very, very alert.
Too many liberal bitches in this country, and they’re going to get us all killed… I mean, honestly, Carney is the best they could do?
JFC. We’re in some pretty serious shit, now, man…..
In point of fact, we are apparently in a period of deliberate, purposeful, managed decline. It is being executed by nefarious actors with malice aforethought.
So, let Canada be a cautionary tale for those who would see. Since we long ago gave up on setting an example, we can now serve as a warning.
God Bless America.
Take a look around your house. Look at the labels on the furniture. Look at the labels on clothing, what you have in your refrigerator and freezer, TV, pots & pans . . . . . look for something with a “Made in Canada” label that is not maple syrup.
So they’ll fight back against US attempts to get fair trade but will gladly roll over for the WEF and China. So sad. Canada used to be a major power. They had their own beach on D-Day. They could be great again, along with America. It doesn’t have to go this way.
This is what happens when Eastern Canada is full of fucking Commies and want everyone else to pay for their lifestyle. If Western Canada would have been smart thirty years ago when I was in politics, we could have seperated Saskatchewan, Alberta and Eastern British Columbia and never had this bullshit. Most trade in North America flows north-south and very little actually flows east-west – with whatever does go east-west is split along the Mississippi river and the line continues all the way to the North Pole.
If we could have split this country years ago, British Columbia wouldn’t have as many of those draft-dodging hippie kids in the government any more because they would have gone broke before the Chinese bought everything, and the East would be stuck paying their own fucking bills and learning how to live in the dark.
But no.
We have a failed state to the south of us and a failed state to the north of us.
Pack up everything that fits into conex boxes and start shipping it home on commercial vessels from ALL our military bases across the world. What don’t fit in a conex we put on our military vessels. Bring all our military home.
Place them along both borders, building new bases as needed. Make both borders a free fire zone from 150 feet to the actual border.
Easy peasy we just stopped all the sleazy.
At the very limited number of controlled border crossing we have the military doing inspections of each and every vehicle and container coming in. EACH AND EVERY ONE.
The navy stands off all 3 coasts and inspects EACH AND EVERY VESSEL AND ALL IT CARRIES before they ever get near the actual coast or ports.
Easy peasy we just stopped all the smuggling AND we just made it very expensive to import anything. Making it cost effective to build it, and make it here.
Will be tough for a year or 2, then we will become the world leader again.
No one cares Margaret – and Canada left us a long time ago
Fuck the gay snow mexicans.
Turdeau has been playing footsie for a long time now with the ChiComs. A very significant amount of fentanyl, and its precursor chemicals, have been coming over our northern border as a result. I’ve no doubt that a fair number of PLA military aged men have also quietly entered, much like our southern border. BC has been heavily inoculated with such, from what I’ve heard. The only problem with a few of those anti American cartoons is that they probably don’t reflect the attitudes of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.
Having been in northern Quebec, I can personally vouch that the Indians up there despise the French. However, the battle space needs more preparation – clean house here and start advertising to the disaffected areas.
Heck, use the CIA for what they seem to be practiced at, to whit a color revolution in the parts of Canada we want and that want to join us. Offer the buggers amnesty if they can pull it off…
With the obvious exception of ‘the good ones” who have their minds right but who are stuck up there for whatever reason, the Canadians running their country (into the ground) and all the NPC’s who follow and support them, can kiss our asses. For too long Canada was an ally of convenience, economically exploiting our relationship to their benefit.
Furthermore, they have far too many leftist natives, who are just as misinformed and malignant as the upper middle class shitlib whites in the US, and their ideas are sure to sink the place, as will the same sort of people here in America destroying our economy, government and everything else they touch. They all need to feel some real pain to change their defective thinking.
Canada is fucked. Those of us who didn’t get the covid vaxx, who would never vote for Justin, who own thunder sticks and think highly of our American cousins, are on our own.
Everyone I am in contact with is hunkering down, checking their preps, and very, very alert.
Too many liberal bitches in this country, and they’re going to get us all killed… I mean, honestly, Carney is the best they could do?
JFC. We’re in some pretty serious shit, now, man…..
In point of fact, we are apparently in a period of deliberate, purposeful, managed decline. It is being executed by nefarious actors with malice aforethought.
So, let Canada be a cautionary tale for those who would see. Since we long ago gave up on setting an example, we can now serve as a warning.
God Bless America.
As someone who meets your description, i agree we are screwed. The young natives are angry and violent from years of anti white indoctrination.
BC is full of sikhs who are eagerly distributing the chinese made poisons in exchange for future land concessions vs india.
Our options in the west are slim but 51st statehood is a good option
Never the 51st.
We might allow you in as a possession.
NO voting rights whatsoever, not even in your own business.
So what about Canadian tariffs on US goods?
Those are different, most people don’t know about them.
Take a look around your house. Look at the labels on the furniture. Look at the labels on clothing, what you have in your refrigerator and freezer, TV, pots & pans . . . . . look for something with a “Made in Canada” label that is not maple syrup.
Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Cola, pesticides, bread, and the kids
So they’ll fight back against US attempts to get fair trade but will gladly roll over for the WEF and China. So sad. Canada used to be a major power. They had their own beach on D-Day. They could be great again, along with America. It doesn’t have to go this way.
This is what happens when Eastern Canada is full of fucking Commies and want everyone else to pay for their lifestyle. If Western Canada would have been smart thirty years ago when I was in politics, we could have seperated Saskatchewan, Alberta and Eastern British Columbia and never had this bullshit. Most trade in North America flows north-south and very little actually flows east-west – with whatever does go east-west is split along the Mississippi river and the line continues all the way to the North Pole.
If we could have split this country years ago, British Columbia wouldn’t have as many of those draft-dodging hippie kids in the government any more because they would have gone broke before the Chinese bought everything, and the East would be stuck paying their own fucking bills and learning how to live in the dark.
But no.
I figure it this way.
We have a failed state to the south of us and a failed state to the north of us.
Pack up everything that fits into conex boxes and start shipping it home on commercial vessels from ALL our military bases across the world. What don’t fit in a conex we put on our military vessels. Bring all our military home.
Place them along both borders, building new bases as needed. Make both borders a free fire zone from 150 feet to the actual border.
Easy peasy we just stopped all the sleazy.
At the very limited number of controlled border crossing we have the military doing inspections of each and every vehicle and container coming in. EACH AND EVERY ONE.
The navy stands off all 3 coasts and inspects EACH AND EVERY VESSEL AND ALL IT CARRIES before they ever get near the actual coast or ports.
Easy peasy we just stopped all the smuggling AND we just made it very expensive to import anything. Making it cost effective to build it, and make it here.
Will be tough for a year or 2, then we will become the world leader again.