10 thoughts on “MOLON LABE, BFYTW

  1. well, simple blow back guns are easy to make. and remember not much besides the barrel was made out of what they call gun steel.
    mild steel was used for stamping on a lot of them. only the barrel and bolt/firing pin
    needed good stuff. and with case hardening even mild steel could be used.
    the hard part is making/getting the magazine to work right.
    it is a project that could be built in any machine shop class in high school back when they still had them. NO, I did not myself. so, the first thing one should do
    is find/make the magazine they plan on using and design the gun around it.
    just saying. UZI/COLT magazines work well and are still easy to get (cheap)
    and there are plenty of 9mm AR bolts around,,, and barrels too.
    again, JUST SAYING.

    • What dave said, only Glock mags. You don’t have to like Glocks to love Glock mags.

  2. Unless you’re using parts from a kit, forget the semi-auto capability. It’s an unnecessary complication, anyone can fire single shots from a subgun after a little experience. Note, I’m speaking of real subguns, Not machine pistols like any of the MAC variants. If you’re not prepared to practice, build a semi-auto carbine mounting a reflex sight. They’re cheap enough, just don’t put a $20 Air-soft one on it, remember that you may be staking your life on it sooner than you will like.
    While you’re at it, if you don’t want just a bullet hose, build it in .40 S & W. Using the same components except for a slightly heavier bolt and of course a different barrel, you will get a gun that has real effect from it’s 8 – 10 inch barrel and is really suited to use of a suppressor with 180 – 200 grain bullets.
    If you really want to stay with 9 x 19mm chambering, make sure to stock up on a Commonwealth country’s Mk.2Z ammo or an equivalent military load from a European producer. There’s a reason why Finns and German troops would use their subguns at even 200 metres against Commies, because with careful sighting and correct trigger technique they were viable targets.
    Most American-made 9mmP ammo, except for ‘+P+’ rating is strictly for use at trannies’ pink pistol club matches. It’s not loaded strong enough to pull your foreskin back, let alone cycle a bolt or penetrate even light-gauge sheet metal in a car door. You don’t have to believe me, go do your own testing.

  3. Fanciest Luty BSP gun I’ve seen to date.
    If you combine some Professor Parabellum work with the laminated bolt concept of Orion’s Hammer, it gets very simple.

  4. I still can’t get over the Fools who do stuff like this, and post it on the ‘Net. Talk about Raising your Score on the “Enemies of the State” list….

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