14 thoughts on “Men, we are fucked.

  1. Men have gotten things backwards. The women are to make the men happy, and we’ve few demands. Mostly, to be respectful. Otherwise, let them enjoy their cats.

      • 😄 Nope. I don’t wanna be reminded of what you do in there. And I don’t want it aerosolized on my toothbrush.

        • Actually urine is sterile unless you have a bladder or kidney infection. It becomes nasty sitting there and collecting every spore and pathogen that happens to be floating around and lands in it, then because urine is rich in nutrients and proteins and carbohydrates becomes an excellent growth medium.

  2. I only have two rules, be respectful and peaceful. With my red headed vixen for 48 years in September.
    I qualify as a lucky fuckin’ bastard. Yeah, everything still works.

  3. If you look at it and squint your eyes you can see a clitoris I may have not spelled that right but I definitely can spell G-spot and know it’s current location too without GPS

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