9 thoughts on “Meeting people should be 0…

    • Kale should not be on this list. Kale should be on the “I never was interested in …” list or, more accurately, the “I’m not touching that with a ten-foot pole” list! Bi

  1. Addendum
    1. Especially when it’s raining
    2. On ice to the ER
    3. Damn doctors…
    4. Or democrats…same thing
    5. Nose ring and a tatted neck…bleh…losers
    6. Fat women in spandex don’t light my fire
    7. Tough one…how about “Hawaiian head dress doesn’t suit me”
    8. If I told her once I told her a thousand times…don’t starch my shorts!
    9. Now where in the hell did I put that Holley double pumper?
    10. Except for my dog….

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