9 thoughts on “Meaningless Theater

  1. I for one condemn House Republicans for their blatant anti-Cubantism. Shame on you, Republicans! Shame!

  2. More political Kabuki theatre BS distraction. And a waste of tax dollars. The GOP only does something like this when they KNOW it will be shot down by the left. It’s nothing but virtue signaling.

    • How many did you get?
      Are we going to see pot pie pictures?

      The squirrels here are little red ones.
      Would take 3-4 to match some of the grays I got back east. I used to love hunting them.

      • Too many to count…..hunted grays back east as well but only ate squirrel once. Nothing to write home about. But I’d shoot them off the tomatoes all day. We have the little reds here in Wyoming, and I’ve never heard of them being a garden nuisance. Shoot an elk instead!

  3. To paraphrase Nasty Piglosi: It doesn’t matter if he’s convicted, he’s still impeached and always will be.

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