14 thoughts on “Masculine toxicity, where would be without it? Time we took back our families.

  1. Feminism is rooted in marxist doctrine. And who wants to marry a fucking communist?

    • I don’t know, you should ask AOC that question, as all you toxic haters want to date her.
      She’s a bit rough, nice tits, but.

      • Johno, when I was briskly and with malice thrown out of my house and did not get pictures, especially of my small farms and of my mule, I just look at a picture of AOC and I fondly recall my mule Sally Mae. No, I don’t want to date your favorite beat off proxy…

  2. I remember when I realized what it cost my dad to be a police officer. He did it for his family and community. He was good at it. But every year there was “that bad one”, “that domestic”, “the accident”… Or him out back burning his uniform because there was no way the smell would ever come out… I don’t know what nightmares he had, but I know he had them.

    I’ll never forget Miss Maudie, ” I don’t know if it will help saying this to you… some men in this world are born to do our unpleasant jobs for us… your father is one of them.”

    • They are truly those who suffer in silence. They don’t consider themselves heroes, yet when The Great Roll Call Up Yonder happens, guess which company they’ll be in?

  3. Camille Paglia was a great friend of Rush Limbaugh. His story was that they were paired up to sit at the same table by the Prog organizer of a charity function that both were invited to attend. This was done with the intention of watching the sparks fly between the two of them, Rush, a strong Conservative and Camille, who was thought of as a Progressive Liberal. The problem was that Camille is actually a free-thinker, and she and Rush had a great time that evening and became life-long friends. The hosts of the dinner that evening were shocked and very disappointed that their plan failed.

    I have no doubt Camille attended his memorial service and wept at the passing of her dear friend, Rush.

    Camille Paglia is quite a gal.

  4. Another meme says “Toxic masculinity. You mean the thing that kept your ancestors from being eaten by wolves?”

  5. Camille is a cool lady. She may be a liberal, but she’s honest. Her and Jordan Peterson had some good conversations.

    It’s cool too that she teaches in Philly.

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